Originally Posted by jrlc1244
I was referred to a neurologist this May who carried out lots of blood tests and As a result when the The results were amazing for the first time in ages I can see properly, move about, and breath, talk and swallow properly. After 3 hours or so I go back the way I was before. My question is - does a positive reaction to Mestinon mean I probably have MG because I still have not been officially diagnosed with it ???
That's the way I was diagnosed for the second time. I went to get a second opinion, and one doctor first thought I had a stroke (right side unable to move/legs/arms). However, I didn't have a stroke.
The second neurologist told me that if I have a positive reaction to Mestinon then I probably do have MG.
Well, it was a miracle drug for me. It doesn't last the whole 8 hours though, sometimes, but I know how to adjust my meds.