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Old 06-08-2021, 06:59 AM
v5118lKftfk v5118lKftfk is offline
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v5118lKftfk v5118lKftfk is offline
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Default adding "no brainer" habits

Yes, just getting into the habit of things like lifting one foot slightly off the ground to balance on the other while brushing your teeth becomes a habit and adds up.

Then try to add to that habit by briefly closing your eyes.

Or place a spongy mat near the sink to stand on while doing mundane kitchen chores (probably not chopping or hot cooking).

After a while your brain will develop the automatic neurological pathway of "this is just how I brush my teeth" "this is just how I wash the dishes" and it will become a nobrainer and all add up.

I went to my neurologist with a smug "I can balance no problem, look and see ......" and then he said "okay, now close your eyes". I was shocked by how much I was over compensating with my vision and had developed less feet sensation for balancing than I had thought.

I thought my neuropathy was much more mild than it was in reality and my undetected foot dragging, trips and falls woke me up. Admittedly there is probably even better exercises than the ones above, but I thought I'd offer what I had to help with a starting point.

Also helps to buy little balance training tools, such as slightly wobbly boards/cushions or balancing mats and place them around the house where you do routine things and simply incorporate them into your unconscious everyday movements.

Sometimes, I get sick of these things with an "Oh, leave me alone on that topic", but other times it simply feels good.

Another thought is to simply slightly lift one leg, slightly bend at waist while doing your straightening and picking up around the house. For example, slightly lift one leg, leave slightly in the air and bend over to slight or varying degrees and pickup something on the couch, a table, or even the floor, depending on your level. Make it so you can quickly put the second foot down if you feel like you will fall. You'll develop better balance and a cleaner house!

It's all about finding your edge ..... just enough to slightly stretch you and baby step into new territory but not pushing so much you hurt yourself or get discouraged. Just a little can often kick off momentum and takes you further than trying to launch out on huge leaps.

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