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Old 12-07-2022, 05:31 PM
snappydad snappydad is offline
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snappydad snappydad is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post
How much time do you spend in a day doing vestibular and/or vision exercises?

Do they cause you to sense any fatigue?

Others have reported mixed results from Syntonics. I have reservations about these systems that claim to input frequencies into the brain to retrain the brain. Light frequencies, sound frequencies, RM frequencies, microshocks, etc.

Your marathon on the video game inputted light frequencies into your brain.....

Do you have moments when you sense fatigue? How do you recognize fatigue? What do you do when you sense fatigue coming on? Do you push through?

Many think pushing through fatigue strengthens the brain. Is that what your therapists have promoted?

When I was doing vision therapy exercises I was probably doing them for 15 minutes per day. Vestibular currently I do about the same.

I feel like I'm in this cycle where I wake up and things are semi okay but once I start getting on screens then I get a lot of strain with my eye muscles and tightness on my forehead and it's a dizzy like feeling. I try to back off for a bit and then come back to screens and eventually that feeling fades but is replaced by what feels like burning in my eyes, eye strain, fatigue, more sensitivity to light. Just makes me wonder if my eyes have some sort of a slight misalignment and so initially when I look at things I get dizzy but then my brain and eyes work super hard to make it work, which they do, but then I'm left with strain and burning and fatigue.

I just commented on the other thread about Mind Eye. I'd love to go there but want to explore local options first simply due to cost. I know Mind Eye would explore things like syntonics, prism, and they have some other things they do that are pretty unique. I feel like I know syntonics are probably not right for me but do want to explore prism to see if a) they would help or b) at least if I know that they make a difference then even if I choose to not wear them then I'd at least know that a good portion of my issues is due to my eyes and that I'm on the right track if I try vision therapy.

As far as pushing through, I'm just doing the best I can right now as I'm trying to keep my job and continue to support my family while also resting as often as possible and restricting certain things that are triggers. For example, I have sensitivity to light and the first 2 hours of sunrise and last 2 hours of sunset are where it's the worst so if I need to drive somewhere I'm either able to do it first thing where there's enough light that headlights don't bother me but the sun isn't up or I drive during the middle of the day when the sun is highest. I also look at the weekly forecast and try to load things up on days that are rainy or overcast. Obviously I mentioned the sports stuff as well where instead of just staring at the tv straight for 3.5 hours of football I'll just glance for seconds at a time during a play and then look away and that has allowed me to mostly keep my sanity while not overstraining my systems. Audio description has been a godsend too on shows so I may do a quick glance at the screen when the show changes setting so I can picture everything and then I just look away and listen to the description and dialogue.

It sucks making these adjustments of course but just trying to find the best balance I can of reducing my exposure to things that are bothering me while continuing to search for things that I can enjoy or do. Prior to all of this I could run, watch tv, go wherever without worry of how bright it is, and could drink any alcoholic beverage I wanted. Can't really do any of those things now and I suppose most on here are in the same boat with what they're dealing with. Just hope we can find some relief at some point and while I'm not sure if things will ever get back to the way they used to be I have hope I can at least get a couple things back at some point if I keep fighting the fight.
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