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Old 09-06-2007, 07:21 PM
Pamster Pamster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Pamster Pamster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2,836
15 yr Member
Ooo Nervous about an upcoming inspection

Man I am just so worried about it, I have trouble keeping clothes in the dressers because Jackie yanks them all out and we have a pile of laundry in the room, it's such a PITA with him. I am so anxious about this darn inspection we just learned about yesterday, that is NEXT friday. I wish that it was already over with, it's just bothering me something fierce. And then Jackie has broken the two anchor bolts and the bloody ring on the concrete under the toilet in the master bathroom. I am really worried about it and now it's leaking. I just could scream! He comes at me when I am on it and pushes my chair against my leg trying to knock me over. And no, I can't close the darn door.

It sucks to be me, really it does. I have a lot of good things that have happened this past August like the car and getting in this place in June but Jackie is just so mean at times, I mean it's really ridiculous, but I might have to lock him out of the bedroom and go to the bathroom, it's ridiculous but maybe that is what it's going to take to keep him from breaking this toilet again once it's been fixed again. He already broke it once, so I am worried they are going to say something about having to fix this again. It's just so annoying to have this big bull of a kid pushing my chair at me laughing thinking he's being funny when he's about to knock me off the darn toilet. Just STUPID...

I needed to vent, thanks for listening everyone. I have been whinning a lot lately, I'm sorry. I just feel so helpless to DO anything about this big bull of a kid.
I love my family, my friends, (this means YOU!) my cat, my nails, my Necchi sewing machine and my turtle!

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