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Old 09-18-2007, 12:38 AM
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gibbrn gibbrn is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta...Canada!
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Heart Thanks all for your support here

I can't believe that this is a topic we really haven't talked about. I have had the HORRIFICALLY HORRIBLE AND DEVESTATINGLY NASTY restless leg syndrome. It was Hell to say the least.

I am shocked that the only info I can find on the net is about addiction information. Not that addiction information is not so amazingly important but what about the education for the rest of us who are legitimately trying to come off our meds????

I see this as me being a nurse with my education why would I not know how to taper off my meds....this is not the first event either....idiot I am....well....we are fine to educate our clients (as a nurse) but why can't i educate myself????? oh why oh why indeed.....

I am really shocked that our doctors leave it to us to go up or down with medications. When they know I am a nurse they say ok go up when you feel ready or go easy as you ease up....I am increasing my nortriptyline for my depression...........anyhooo......I am though to have the knowledge not that my pain is taking over my mind and that the meds I am on mess with my mind..... as does the dilaudid your mind can you calculate 2-8% decrease each week.....COME ON DOCTORS....we are left to carry the to speak...

I am shocked and really ticked off that there is not more help with this issue. We as a collective need to get on this one. What can we do guys??? perhaps we need to talk to the coalition on pain in Canada and the American pain group...(forget the name...) maybe this needs to be on some kind of site or a place we can access it. I will look through my books and Marc's and see what I can come up with....

Mucker and Alison thanks for your stories. Alison your story is very important. There is so much information to be taken from your story and thank you for being sooooo brave to tell us about it and the necessity of it.

Oh and by the way bone pain is HELL and this is why I felt run over by a truck for the first three months post op scalenectomy first rib resection.

Much love to all,
oh and Thank God for you all and the lessons we all learn from each other. If we can save one person from one thing they don't have to deal with then I feel we have give our support as we could and should....on this 'support board'.

love again...

How poor are they who have not patience!
What wound did ever heal but by degrees.


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