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Old 09-23-2007, 02:37 PM
Goodn'Plenty Goodn'Plenty is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Goodn'Plenty Goodn'Plenty is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 147
15 yr Member

I am not going to be another to fall for your word games so this will be my last post on the matter.I spoke my peace and you chose to address those points that interested you and left the rest .
The last thing I want to do is get into a game of semantics and power with you.

I will respond to the issues: re HBOT
I mentioned this case precisely because the 2 cases were treated EXACTLY the same way-SAME HBOT centre - same practitioner -same air pressure - same treatment -DIFFERENT outcomes.
I believe you mentioned in Roz's thread that the air pressure could be different which would explain why one was not cured and the other was-NOT the case here . I could not find the thread so I am not sure what you said exactly, but it was along those lines - please don't argue minute variables
.All variables re:HBOT were constant here EXCEPT for disease presentation in the patient !!!!

Ischemia is part of the disease process in most illnesses from heart attack to stroke to diabetes to liver disease .If that were the only component involved in RSD then doctors researching this scourge for 30 years might just have figured it out by now and we would all be cured.
Yes, it is a piece in all of this but it is only one fully understood component in a muti-faceted pathology .



Added in response and to refute Vicc's response below although I still may make a new post on it:

.Heather was indeed "cured".She had a good result .That does not mean that if you use HBOT you will be cured of RSD . I did not mean to imply this .It happened in this particular case . - Again I am not going to argue semantics ,or what you choose to read into things.
Again you are blaming the industry,doctors etc.for the pitfalls in your theories - an HBOT centre is run by "professionals " and overseen by doctors and often run by them as well as well.
You do realize that HBOT uses different pressures to treat each different disease -HBOT is NOT a one size fits all approach
According to you it is just another in a line of conspiracies to keep everyone who stays at home and pontificates sick .
Do your research - find a good centre and you will get the outcome that is right for you just like with every other treatment out there-eeeeeshhhhhhh!!!!!!!

added later : the fact that you derive so much pleasure from showing up on a google search engine and having to announce it here not once, but 3 times makes me question all your motives -
Are you truly that ego driven a person. You are recycling information that is already out there for your own self motivated reasons -
Two years ago you were anorexic ,claiming RSD had the best of you and you had lost the will to live.We all tried our best to get you the help you needed including calling social services in your area.What happened to that humble man to turn him so angry and egocentric???It is really sad.
Funny how you left that tidbit out of your newly minted biography

Last edited by Goodn'Plenty; 09-24-2007 at 12:33 PM. Reason: ridiculous
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