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Old 09-26-2007, 11:59 PM
wakegirl wakegirl is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 119
15 yr Member
wakegirl wakegirl is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 119
15 yr Member

i have had a couple of very odd ketamine responses. first i was given the nasal inhaler thing, it didnt work at all using the suggested dosing so the doc doubled it again no noticible improvement. we eventually gave up. about a year and a half ago i went for 3 and a half months not sleeping. ok illl answer those questions really quickly 1 went for a month not sleeping at all two weeks into the second month they put me in a conscious sedation room and gave me the medication they used to give to kids when they wouldnt sleep, some syruppy disgusting liquid they put in apple juice to make it supposedly taste better. they would put me to sleep under sedatiom for 4 or 5 hours then they would wake me up and send me home. I continued not to sleep and since it had been such a long time and such a random problem so they had me do that whole sleep study thing 3 nights in a row. they said it is the first time they were aware of that happening, apparently most people with sleeping issues who feel like they go for weeks or months without sleep actually sleep. those patients who were hooked up showed evidence that from time to time throughout their sleep their rhythms showed that it was a quick interuption. all of their real sleep occurred during the rem stage and that was when the problem patients had interuptions in a pattern. in my case none of that happened i hung out all night counting the tiles in the ceilings or the pings on the different pieces of equipment attached to me.
anyway back to the point my doctor did the whole conscious sedation thing once a meek sometimes they did it with the gross kids juice annd sometimes they would use versed and fentenol. Whatever they used I slept for about 4 to 6 years. while i was going to the assissted sleep thing I was still taking the nasal inhailer with the double dose ketamine. At some point they finally gave up and did another conscious sedation procedure but I was taken to a different room. initially the ketamine helped me sleep and in turn that allowed me to sleep but it only lasted for about a week. My last experience with ketamine was when i had my second scs for post pain success they provided a constant bulas into my body and a button i could touch if it hurt to much, The ketamine made me sleepy and comfortable for about a day. when i talked the doc he decided uping the dose would be fine. (i did notice they brought a crash cart into my room, the nurse visits increased, and 3 or 4 doctors always sat at the nursing sation pretending like there was suddenly 10-20 new patients that had arrived on the floor and were magically living in my room discribed a pole that holds lines making the immpression that they were some kind of a tree. I think they were just messing with their comotosed patient (they told me when i woke up about the antics of the night sift guys. knowing how board they get most of the time i was glad to bring a smile to their face. The sleeping stuff was totally controlled with ketamine (if those random swings of memories mixed with happy geens) and negative nightmares) but wonce i started to wake up a bit my pain was so far over the 10 of the pain scale. It was more like the age of drinking in the country). I was in complete shock when i woke up with the extra tubes associated with the ketamine in my body and every in of my flesh wishing they would find a better way for patient and doctor's to know when something changed and pnce they had that they should have a way to communicate between those involved quickly.
I would say to patience who can afford it and feel like it is the only thing left to do give it a try but i would recommend you find all of the information possble. see a doc you thought was exactly the person you want to use. for any state their is a list of doc in good standing and a list of those who have an infraction n their license. join pain group close to where you live, or if you cannot for whatever reason get one in your srrounding area. this will serve 2 purpses 1 at a time .... on the web trust is far easier to achieve. you are there because you need to be but if they have a forum section say some docto trolling. "I am new in town or My old doc decided the fear of loosing his license in the middle of the night and now none of his patients no idea how to determine a good doc from another one who left me with 8 days left in meds and dont know where to go to maintain the current level from a doc. then ask if anyone has any ideas. Thats how i found my great doc.
rsd following a botched epideral for knee surgery 1993
remission from 99-2003 shoulder dislocation 2003
CRPS Type 2 scs (cervicle 2005) (lumbar 2007)
Strong mind Strong body
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