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Old 10-06-2007, 01:37 PM
dahlek dahlek is offline
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dahlek dahlek is offline
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Default More on EMG's

Mel, you are right in both the quality or the results, and the pain can be due to the QUALITY of either the doc or technician administering the test. Lots of other factors come into play.

1- here's the Q&A on that site....questions are asked by both Docs AND Patients. I could probably 'suspect' that a couple of folks from this board have actually ASKED identical questions.

2- The testing 'environment' can affect outcomes as well -Like Goldilocks....too hot, too cold or JUST rite...can sometimes make a difference: AND

Shirley and Melody? As for the PAIN testing creates? In my book it's thru one or both ways...skill of the doc/tech doing the testing and, HONESTLY-how BAD you are off. My first series of Nerve Conduction tests were done by a neuro in his office with MINIMAL equipment...tho early out from onset, I do believe I growled a LOT during that testing. I also had lots of 'nerve bites' from the probes [very much like bug bites but all up/down arms/hands and legs/feet. The next rounds of tests were done in another set of offices with Far, FAR more sophisticated equipment. Different tech/doc each time, same office and equipments - either I'd gotten so bad that I had to ask [after what seemed quite a long time-ARE YOU DONE YET?] and well, I got a YES! I'd been 'waiting' for the start of it all. After those later tests I DID have the 'residual fasculiations' [SP?] but not for long...It did confirm that I wasn't a person with happy nerves tho....They can turn up the amps on me and well, not much happens...YAWN! While I know many of you who DO react aren't happy about it? Consider the options - I broke my toe and toe nail...bloody mess! Did not Know IT! Frankly, I would much rather know it, burns-bruises, you name it....than not feel it at all.

Any teeny nerve zeep, zap or CLONK! I gladly take as a sign of either progress or no further deterioration.. It's kind of like the 'cell phone' ad - IF YOU CAN FEEL THIS NOW? Yeah it hurts, but...BUT you CAN feel it! Unfortunately for the rest that comes with it? Ya can't turn it matter how much you want to!

Shirley - I think...not sure I'd posted a different 'nervous system' map about a month ago....Try to find it, If you can't I'll see if I can dig it up...
It was really a good one to sort of 'track' the nerves from point A-to- points B & C....and also where the 'hurt' travels [front, back sides]. Let me know.
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