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Old 10-08-2007, 12:27 PM
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Default just got of the hospital and think i found the right answes

I was in a car crash back in Nov of 05,

sense then I been have a great deal of things in my body, that I could not even to begin to explain, and now I think it is to last to fix me due to some blank blank Dr's that kept saying there was nothing wrong with me,

when I was in the hospital one Dr there talk with me about Polyneuropathy
my symptoms are a wide wang of thing going on in my body
I have no use or feeling now in my right hand, (hope I can get it back)
it just feels like burning pain all the time and can not use it its shiny looking and will not open,

can not move my neck it is been in a lock state for almost 2 years now
with pain, running down my arm(right most) some nights I can not find them
or the pain is so bad it wakes me from the pain, wake up myself from crying
feel as someone is cutting them off, and can not move them,

I have drop foot now (right one) toes are curlying up so when I walk,(with a walker) I drag the foot get rug burn, and that foot is swelling all the time)
some pain from that, but not to bad,

I can not stand up at all no more, its like i am in a bent poster all the time
that is very pain full, and that is when my legs go out on my,, and have spaus all over, from my feet to my teeth, and over heat or got so cold
my feet look black, I do use a W/C most of the time now falling down to much with my walker,

I have black outs all the time, and can not tell if I have to use the bath room
I could not get my pee go go,or could tell if I empty my bladder and I can not have a BM at all with out help,

when I was in the Hospital and I have had Hypothyroidism and its been 100% ok up till my car crash, and never had to go up on my meds but now there was this one dr did some test and found, that my free T3 and free T4 are with in normal limits but my TSH are going up and up,
from 9.18 and 2 days later 12.98 they up my dose of
I went from being on a dose of my med of 0.5 to within 2 mouth of the crash
to .75 now its was just up again to 100mg, and this is the cause of not being able to have a BM and some of the other things going on but not all witch I know, now, I was told also just now after almost 2 years and from Dr to Dr saying there was not a thing worng with me to I have a TBI and my pituitary Gland maybe be damage, had a MRI last Sunday, hope to find out what that will show,
I was also at the Cleveland Clinic and there report was this, and what is wring with me, see below

consult to physical therapy 9032
brachial neuritis or radiculitis NOS (723.4)
cervical disc Displacement 722.0
thoracic disc degen 722.51
thoracic spondylosis 721.2
lumbosacral neuritis nos 724.4
pain in limb 729.5
abnormality of gait 781.2
visual disturbances nec 368.8
idiopath autonomic neuropathy 337.0
cervicalgia 723.1
pain in thoracic spine 724.1

but this was before going in the hospital last week, or was in 2 weeks now
but there was a nice Dr that really did linson to me and talk with me about this, Polyneuropathy due to trauma, and that my autonomic neuropathy due to my spinal cold injury and all of my spine is invalided, neuropathy; neuropathy, sensory lose and my brain and so on and everything I been feeling is REAL! the pain from this, is way above the #10 at times to where I can not take it, and no meds are going to help, well when it came time for me to leave the hospital
my Dr wanted to talk with my 23 year old girl who has been taking are of me alone and going to College well his words to here where just this

he said to her your mom is a ticking time bomb if she dose not get help and soon she is going to die or will never walk or have the use of her arms and hands again and he said that it still maybe to late for my limbs,
what are is this I new thing I have and why in god would no one linson to me
please anyone with any info on what this is, and what can I do to get batter
please help,
also, now I am getting home nursing and OT and PT and a bath nurse,
and I may get a pain pump put in, I just have to say to all the Dr's that said there was not a thing wrong with me, NICE WORK DR! who did linson to me, and its going to be there TAX MONEY TAKING CARE OF ME FOR LIFE
for one I plan on fighting what ever this is to live as long, and have the home nursing and OT and PT and what ever else I can get, for a very long time

any one else with this please tell me about what this is, and what am I in for?
thank you
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