Thread: I am here....
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Old 09-29-2006, 03:48 AM
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Dana, Hi!

Yes! You'll find we've missed you..your name has already been taken in vain; we needed the keeper of the grass skirts

So sorry to hear about the stomach trouble; had ulcer problems all year, still not quite right - I had no idea how much it affects your whole wellbeing. I truly sympathize.

But you're still working and soldiering on, it appears. You've always been a trouper!

So glad to hear from you, I thought I had your email, but can't find it, anyway. We need to get hold of whoever it was who did the Christmas lists with all the old members' addresses. Can't remember..Ginger? Tigger? Tiggerz?...anyway, great that *YOU* are here.

Missed you, all the best.
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