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Old 11-08-2007, 02:43 AM
Paul Golding
Posts: n/a
Paul Golding
Posts: n/a
Default Errors in Pathology, Arrogance, Apathy and Greed – Misdiagnosis of B12 Deficiency

Hello, and greetings from Sippy Downs, Queensland Australia.

I decided to join this forum after cat265 posted a link to my web site in the thread new web site for B12 deficiency.

I have suffered what is probably irreversible neurological damage, as a result of misdiagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency.

I have also recently been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency and DHA (an essential fatty acid) deficiency. We are still in the early stages of testing for these problems. I also have lactose intolerance and ventricular tachycardia (a potentially dangerous increase in heart rate), and I am being treated for depression.

In May 2007, I set up a web site, Errors in Pathology, Arrogance, Apathy and Greed – Causes of Misdiagnosis of Vitamin B12 Deficiency, for the sole purpose of exposing the misdiagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency. It contains no advertising, does not offer to sell anything and is funded entirely by me.

As cat265 found my site a little confusing, I will try to explain here what it is about.

I claim that vitamin B12 deficiency is misdiagnosed, causing unnecessary suffering in thousands of patients, because:
  • Pathology labs recommend, and doctors order, the wrong tests
  • The labs quote incorrect reference intervals and cut-offs
  • There are frequently very significant analytical errors
After I discovered my B12 deficiency in October 2005, I commenced investigation of my disease. This included research on the Internet and laboratory tests. On the References page of my web site, I have provided direct links to many of the research articles that I found.

It soon became clear that there were very serious problems with the lab results. Over the next 13 months, what started as an investigation of my B12 deficiency became an investigation of the labs.

On my web site, I provide details of my investigation, with access to all evidence including lab reports and an Excel file containing tables of results and charts.

This first investigation covered what I call Series 1 of my lab testing, from October 2005 to November 2006. Two much shorter investigations from early 2007, Series 2 and 3 are also included.

I will post a separate message about my current tests, Series 4.

Although one lab threatened me with legal action before I published my site, there has been no response from them in the six months since publication. Indeed, no lab or pathologist has taken up my offer to publish a response to refute my claims.

My attempts to advertise my site in the medical media have failed; they will not allow any criticism of the medical profession in Australia. The doctors are also not interested; of 119 doctors organisations I contacted, only 6 agreed to raise the problem of vitamin B12 deficiency with their members.

If you visit my web site, I suggest that you read these pages first:

If you are interested in my investigation:
  • Home Page
  • About Me under Personal
  • Summary and My Story under The Investigation
  • Remaining pages under The Investigation
  • All pages under Quality Assurance?
If you are looking for information about B12 deficiency:
  • References - contains links to many expert reports
  • Expert Opinion under Vitamin B12 Deficiency
If you are looking for more technical information:
  • Both pages under Interpreting Results
  • Both pages under Immunoassays
If you would like to see the response to my claims and my web site:
  • Responses under Right of Reply
  • Both pages under Right to Know
I welcome any comments or questions about my web site. I suggest that you first read at least the following two references (there are direct links from the References page):
  • G1, Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Oh and Brown, Am Fam Physician
  • H6, Active-B12 (holotranscobalami)
The first reference is an excellent independent report on how to diagnose vitamin B12 deficiency.

The second reference is produced by a supplier of test kits for the new test for Active B12 (holotranscobalamin) and you need to be aware that it is promoting a product. I am currently testing the claims made for Active B12, as part of my Series 4 tests, and cannot yet publicly comment on the effectiveness of the test. It is worth reading because it gives a good explanation of B12 deficiency.

You are invited to visit my web site at

Please post any comments or questions to this thread. If you wish to contact me for a private discussion, please Email me from Paul in the Contact page of my web site.

Thank you.

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