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Old 11-15-2007, 09:31 AM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Hi Mary.

It's me, Alan's wife, lol.

Alan is sitting in the kitchen. I just went to Dunkin Donuts and brought him back breakfast. He had his podiatrist appointment yesterday so, because you asked, I can tell you what the latest info on his problem.

He has a re-curring foot ulcer. 2 years now. It heals, then it bleeds, he shouldn't walk on it. If he does, it bleeds. They put him in a Cam Walker thing. It helped, but still, if he walks too much, the ulcer bleeds.

It was 2 or 2 1/2 since he had his last appointment, and every morning we'd do the bacitracin thing and I'd wrap up his foot, adding a pressure bandage to oft-lode the area around the ulcer. While this helped, it's no cure all.

So yesterday, his doctor debrided his ulcer saying "looks good, but this MUST heal". You can't walk around the house in a slipper. If you walk ANYWHERE, you must wear the shoe boot".

Then Alan said to him "I cannot do this for the rest of my life, I want to know about the shaving down the bone thing. I found an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in neuropathy"

Alan's podiatrist (this guy is good, by the way), looked at Alan and said the following: "Alan, first this ulcer has to heal completel, and I mean completely, ...then, when you get your new orthotics (which have been re-made to deal with the ulcer), then you put on the orthotics.....and if, after a while (in 2008), if I see that there is really no improvement, and we've tried absolutely everything, I will shave down the bone.". Alan couldn't believe this. He said "really?"

Then Alan asked "I know there is something about the bone underneath the ulcer on the bottom of my foot, that it's sticking out (or something to that effect), can't you just put an implant (like when they replace hips, knees), well can't you just put a replacement bone there".???? And the doctor smiled and said "you might be on to something", But we have to wait and be very certain". Then he said "But I really believe, once this ulcer heals, the orthotics will do the trick".

Hey, at least, Alan has some hope in 2008. He can't look for a job, because he has to be off his feet as much as he can while this ulcer heals.

Oh, one more thing, the doctor said "when you do have this operation, you will have to be off your feet for approximately 6 weeks." Alan forgot to ask what kind of foot cast they put on your when they shave the bone.

I wasn't with him because believe me, I would have asked every question in the book (I know how to talk to doctors, very politely, and ask only important pertinent questions. I don't deluge them with all my fears, that would accomplish nothing). Alan's lucky with his physicians. They actually call him up on the phone and want to know how he is doing.

Now as far as his neuropathy is going. He is presently undergoing IVIG monthly and while it has helped his balance (I never even thought he had a balance problem, but obviously his neuro found one), it hasn't done a great bit for his pain. He feels it's a bit better, so I guess we take what we can get.

His neuropathy has nothing to do with his stenosis by the way. He had a spinal tap, they found protein, diagnosed him with CIDP, and ultimately put him on the IVIG. Then this ulcer came along.

So hope you are okay. Hope your pain goes down a bit.




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