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Old 11-15-2007, 11:33 AM
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Default Dahlek.. (camera pill day)

and all...the camera pill things was really something. I had to fast for two days, then they have me come in at 8:00 a.m. (I don't like being messed with at 8 am by anyone specially when I've had no food for two days, and no tea the morning I had to go.

They had me put on this black harness, sort of like the one that people wear with those big black belts when they have to lift something heavy. Then they put 7 electrodes all over the tummy and abdomen. Then they hook all these electrodes up to this big black harness. The harness also has a big box on it that is the recorder for the camera. This box is about 4 x4 in. and is about 2 in. thick. She turns on the recorder, checks all the buttons, then she unboxes the "pill camera". She pulls this thing out that looks like a finger sort of. She holds the top of this thing and pushes a button, and then puts this thing against a spot on the camera to syncronize them. Then she tells me to put it in my mouth and drink all the water I needed to swallow it. My husband said I said, "The WHOLE THING!!??" I knew there was no way I could swallow it. Then she said no, only the capsule. I then realized there was a capsule on the top of this finger thing....... It was blinking.........Do you have any idea how hard it is to put a capsule that is blinking in your mouth and swallow it??? My husband said I really looked at it for a few minutes, looked at the nurse, and then grabbed it really fast, swallowed with big gulps of water.

Then we had to wait until 4:00 in the afternoon and go back to have the harness taken off. So I'm wearing this big black harness, with three different colored blinking lights right on my belly, and my husband says, "Would you like to go somewhere else?" You gotta love men.

I had to watch the blue blinking light all day. If it had stopped then it had a problem and we would have to start all over a different day.

Really not a difficult test. The question is:.........Is there a camera inside of my septic system photographing all the radioactive soup gobbling down bacteria or producing bacteria?. Or is that little stinker lurking in my bowel watching for the opportunity to grab on to some kink and stay there?

They said that if I had nausea, or cramps or such, to call and they'd xray me to see if it was stuck. I said what happens if it's stuck and the nurse told me, "I don't know, you'll have to ask the doctor." I'm hoping I'm one of those lucky ones who have a film industry in their septic tanks.

Sorry, I know this is long, but some people had asked how it went.

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