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Old 11-16-2007, 05:06 AM
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DMACK DMACK is offline
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Dear Mari

You sound like your having a rough time Mari.
Please dont cancel the Hair-do, sometimes when we feel like you do at present, its important to focus on yourself. By having your hair done it will pamper the inner you, the one thats trapped deep inside and desperate to re-surface. If you look good, you eventualy start to feel good. As for house work, let your hauband help you through this. Marriage is a partner ship. Equally why dont you divide the paying of bills up as well.

All thgough bills are the last thing on your mind at present , they need attention, your situation will feel more unbareable when people are demanding money from you.

I'm not a control freak, by any stretch of the imagination, but as i support people at work to reduce chaos, i suppose i have to live by what i say.

Each month i know whats coming in and what goes out. Bills go out direct to my suppliers of gas, electricity, insurances, mortgage etc.. I know that paper bills wont drop in my post[ this way i dont have to worry] I can stand a bit of un-tidiness, but not chaos.... Clutter stores up more than dirt, it is a reflection of the mind. hence the saying a tidy room is a tidy mind....

Be an organiser in your life style. Mari you are a strong woman, who when well gives good advise, and clearly understands the issues of Bi Polar.. being an organiser through the rough times can be at times impossible , as descions are like mountains to climb.... but by attempting to take control of your environment arround you, you can pigeon hole important things to do and leave things , that you cant do at the time or lack energy to do... in the in tray for later.

Think of yourself as Superwoman, when you help others , you drain Kryptonite.... you need to recharge and become strong again......

As for the party your invited to, why not decline the invitation, and go for a long walk with your hubby, Tell him.... tasks in the home need sharing 50/50

if you both work this is only fair.......

Dont forget go to the HAIRDRESSERS......... YOU LOOK GREAT

Take care of YOU

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