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Old 01-04-2008, 09:41 AM
alisden alisden is offline
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alisden alisden is offline
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Default alisden

hi there jinxy im ali from the uk,reading whats happened to you ,you have the exact same symptoms that my husband has and he has been diagnosed with post concussion syndrome ov er her.He was knocked unconscious in a pub 8mnths ago.He also has trouble with left and right with his keyboard,headaches,loss of appetite,he doesnt sleep either.Do you have trouble taking in information if there are several people talking at once and that sort of thing ? look forward to your reply ali
Originally Posted by JiNXy View Post
Hello everyone! My name is Debie but you can call me JiNX or JiNXy (everyone does, it's a long story, haha). I live in southern Indiana and I'll be 25 on Friday. With the introduction out of the way, here is why I'm here...

About six and a half weeks ago (Nov. 9th) I was at a concert in New Jersey (another long story) and was knocked unconscious for approximately two minutes when the singer accidentally kicked me in the face while crowd surfing. LOL (We're friends, it's cool, I forgave him!) At first I refused medical attention because I don't have any insurance, but after about an hour I still wasn't feeling any better (headache, blurred vision, tired, dizzy, and nauseated) and my friends and the band later told me I was drifting in and out of consciousness. There are still parts of the night--before and after the injury was sustained--that I do not remember at all, and what I do remember is even filled with little holes. For example: in the band is a set of twins, but it's VERY easy to tell them apart by their hair and the way they of them came to talk to me in my friend's car after the show and 20 minutes after, I couldn't remember which one of them I'd spoken to! And I've known them over a year so that's pretty bad.

Anyway the rocker twin is the one that insisted I go to the hospital and get checked out--and they'd pick up the tab for me (they're amazing like that)--so my friends drove me there. I don't remember the drive. I don't remember getting out of the car or entering the hospital. I don't remember much of the 5 and a half hours we were in the ER, except multiple voices telling me to wake up so they could figure out what was wrong with me. In the end I had a CT done that came back perfectly fine, they told me I had a concussion, gave me some 800mg ibuprofen and sent me out the door...with a bill over three grand..! It was suggested that when I got back to my home state, I have an MRI done. This was not financially possible after that ER bill, though, and it was over a week before I was back home, so it never happened.

The following day I had a slight headache and was a little tired, but nothing more. I brushed it off as we'd only gotten like an hour and a half of sleep. My friends and I were with the band for a while so the show schedule was this: 9th (concussion night), 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 17th, and 20th. I stayed out of the pit/crowd altogether from the 10th to the 15th, but still got pretty into the shows at some points and was jumping around still b/c I felt fine. The 17th and the 20th I was back in the front row, crazy as ever, still feeling fine. A few days after Thanksgiving I began to notice I was a lot more tired than usual...ALL the time, no matter how much sleep I got. I'm a night owl by nature and all my life I've been able to function at 100% on just a few (2-5) hours of sleep a night. Lately I've been sleeping 9-12 hours at night/early morning and STILL am sometimes tired enough to warrant an afternoon nap. My friends have been commenting on my slipping memory for a few weeks now as well, and at first I was able to write it off, but it's gotten REALLY bad lately. Other random "symptoms" I've picked up in the last 2-3 weeks mostly are: sporadic headaches with no triggers, dizziness when I first stand up after sitting/laying down, blurred vision (esp. in the car at night--thankfully I don't drive, but it still bothers me), difficulty reading (I lose my place constantly when my eyes shift from the right side to the left side of a page/paragraph), occasionally seeing things that aren't there (ex: flashes of light and moving shadows), loss of appetite, and just feeling "down" overall. I wouldn't really call it depression or mood swings...more like intense boredom and lack of inspiration. And the other night I completely "forgot" how to type correctly...I mean I knew I was screwing up and I knew in my mind how to move my fingers to fix it, but the brain-to-fingers connection was just not being made for a long time. And no, I was not on any kind of drugs (Rx or otherwise) or any alcohol at the time!

In the last three days I have started getting horrible stabbing pains a few times a day in both of my ears (at separate times, though, never together at the same time) and also I hear a constant, very high-pitched sound. It's not that loud and I am able to drown it out with music, television, or normal conversation. I've also picked up on a few personality changes when I've made really no effort to change anything about myself.

Searching the web for combinations of the above symptoms brought me here. I know you guys aren't doctors and all that, but lacking insurance still I can't really afford to go see one (esp. a specialist) or have a bunch more CTs or MRIs done right now...and maybe I'm in denial but I'm not even entirely sure I need to see a doctor? Hoping to just get some educational answers/advice here that can help me decide my next move in all of this...

1. Is it even possible for PCS symptoms to lie entirely dormant for weeks and then suddenly wreak havoc on a person?
2. Does this even sound remotely like PCS, or am I just completely losing my mind altogether?
3. If I were to have an MRI now, so much later, would it even show anything?
4. Would a CT scan now compared to the one I had right after I was knocked out show any differences since I have all these crazy symptoms now that I didn't then?
If it IS PCS:
5. How do I know for sure if there's really no test for it?
6. Is it absolutely necessary to see a doctor about it, or is it possible to fix everything myself?
7. Can a GP/family doctor treat this, or does it require a neurologist or something else?
8. Does it mean anything in the long run that there was such a delay in the onset of symptoms? Like for most people the symptoms are immediately after the concussion, last a while, and gradually get better...since I had very few and mild symptoms immediately after, then a period of no problems and then suddenly all of this, does that mean this is what I'm stuck with now?
9. Did I bring this on myself by continuing the tour immediately after sustaining a grade 3 concussion?
If it's NOT PCS:
10. Does anyone have ANY idea what might be going on with me? Some days I'm worried that I really might be losing my mind!

I think that's it for right now...I'm really tired again and I can't remember if there was anything else I was going to ask or not...I really gotta start keeping notes. Anyway, if you read all of this, THANK YOU!! I'm sorry it was so long, I'm just trying to be as detailed as possible in hopes of getting detailed, pertinent answers...
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