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Old 01-06-2008, 12:23 PM
bethtaylor bethtaylor is offline
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Location: NoImplants, Pennsylvania
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bethtaylor bethtaylor is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: NoImplants, Pennsylvania
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Originally Posted by shiney sue View Post
I decided to have a look so I went to see you site. You have been doing
a lot of work and helped many as many who have been brought or
wondered on you site..I like Mrs D. think you would be a help to our womwn's
concern site..

Im one of the one's who asked for more details on what Drs. You might of
seen,what test's so forth..My mom had a rare form of brest cancer,and
she was in her 80's. Since she felt no pain and even through she lived
by a older sister who had a brest removed,in her 80's.. (they felt my Aunt
didn't need chemo,or radiation.) By the time Mom Cancer was found,she
had as much of the brest removed as they could,she passed away
3 yrs. later,Mom had been diagnosed with PN first..her sister 91 just 2 years
ago was diagnosed and has a third in a nursing home has PN she's in her
80's but was in her 70's when Diagnosed..I'm 61, had major truma sugery
on both legs among other surgery's. I believe it was Mrs.D.who said they
don't like to do reconstructive on people unless truly needed before 50.
They just don't last and you may end up with repeats..

I feel there has to be genetic problems in my family,there's why i'm so courious. I have a 61 year old cousin who had knee surgery young,we
both stared dance lessens at the age of 4. And she had breaast Surgery
20 years ago and had them removed not long ago,she's ill very much like
Yorkiemom. I could write a book on why dance lessons at 4 is just wrong.

I'm not that computer savy as we all know,but how could I have gotten the
music off when the other women were talking..We are all so different and
I have just really messed up my nose falling..But I think after some research
I may have to do it to breath. I noticed you have had a great deal of trouble falling,perhaps a cane..I hope you do come back,but your busy be proud of
what your doing ,just don't over do. And another LTI thing like our Kmeb.
Billye I was disg. with my SS just before my leg problems,but wow..And Mrs d
somebody fussed at ya naaa...J. Sorry about all that adding to falling...
Hugs and blessings to all.. Beth I must say your a lovely young woman...Sue
Hi Sue,

Thanks for checking out my site. It is alot of work but I feel as though I'm doing what I have to do. I was not informed about these dangers. I also at that time back in the early nineties could not find anything on saline filled implants. Everything was about silicone and all I knew was to stay away from silicone. Believe it or not, my first PS consultation was in 1992. Shortly after that, they banned silicone gel implants and that completely changed my mind about the entire breast implant thing. It scared the hell out of me. Then the damn breast implant manufacturer's started promoting what they called 'safe saline' implants. That combined with the media, magazine photos of what the perfect women should look like, I started my research again. I searched for a long time and finally became confident that this was the answer for me. How foolish I was. My PS basically told me what he knew I wanted to hear. It wasn't until 1996 that I actually felt that I did enough research to go through with it.

Biggest mistake of my life and I would do anything to go back in time. I now do not like fake boobs and think they are just too much for most people. Too hard looking and too round.

Anyway, I'm very sorry to hear about your Mother. It does sound like you have some genetic factors in your family that would make you more likely to have problems. My uncle just had knee replacement surgery a few months ago. He is very active at 83 years old and found that he couldn't play golf because of his knee so he decided to have it done. He had no idea about me and what I've gone through. He knows I'm sick but he doesn't know why. Should I have told him? I don't know. He is thrilled now and back to playing golf. He is a bit stubborn and set in his ways of thinking so I doubt that he would really have listened anyway.

My forum becomes very busy at times so I will stop by and contribute when I can. It seems to get so busy at times that I can't keep up and then it will slow down and that is when I like to catch up and post info on other websites and blogs to raise awareness. PN was killing me last night. I was thinking of this website. I normally don't complain about the pain on my own forum. LOL Last night was a killer. I haven't had it that bad in a while but we had a front moving in and it gets me everytime. The fall is usually a bad time for me because the temperature changes frequently. I'm not sure if anyone else experiences PN like this. It really feels like someone is chipping away at the bones on my shins.

Have a great day everyone!
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