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Old 01-11-2008, 10:08 AM
Mrs. Bear Mrs. Bear is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 510
15 yr Member
Mrs. Bear Mrs. Bear is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 510
15 yr Member
Trig Medical Proffesionals and misunderstanding mental illness....might be triggerish

So Wes has had a bad cough for about 3 months. He has a sinus infection again and is on cough meds and antibiotics.

Cough meds aren't doing much, nore is any thing else we can give him. Anything with ephedra in it makes him manic and pcychotic.

Well he pulled a muscle in his stomache last night. Between smoking, working and skating.....he was in tears and his breathing was so shallow from the pain that he was passing out.

I took him to our local instacare. The doc was evaluating him and he told her he smoked. She flipped out and asked how he was getting cigarettes. I told her I buy them for him to prevent him from stealing them. Cause he will. I also told her call the cops and report me. But with his Schitoeffective disorder, I aint gonna be able to stop him. He is the one who has to want it. Any one who smokes knows it is a personal adventure and most difficult at best. We have used patches, Chantrax, lozenges, you name it, he's tried it.

So she flips out even harder and RIGHT IN FRONT OF WES she tells me that with all the meds he is on, if he keeps smoking, he will die by 30. Well duh. Like I don't know this. So I try to do damage control and said, yeah there is that possibility. Wes does not need that crap. He is so worried about his health and his meds right now as it is, and so many schitz go off their meds cause they feel they are being poisoned anyway.

So she practically yells at me. NO! HE WILL DIE if he keeps smoking. It is a fact.

Oh man. It took everything I had to keep my cool.

So while she was out, I explained to Wes, that we can't worry about the future, that we have to concentrate on today. He was so wiggy.
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