Thread: Hit head?
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Old 01-13-2008, 04:54 AM
pono pono is offline
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pono pono is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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15 yr Member

just read what you shared of your experience w/ hitting your head... what hit me first was the erroneous info from eye Dr that IF was "bad" would've passed out. Please check TBI/PCs Forum -- many stories of problems from Head Injury w/out Loss of consciousness.
Whiplash - although Head doesn't hit something outside injury can occur within, by brain being jolted & slammed against skull.

Links/info may provide better understanding of what May be going on . Not all head injuries are concussions or TBI's but some are; even the seemingly & so called "mild" traumtic head/brain injurys can have adverse affects that persistant. repeat head injury esp. those that occur soon after - before the brain has time to heal , can have serious consequences, inc. death (this is often seen in sports --"Second Impact Syndrome")

I'm not trying to scare you nor am I saying you have concussion or TBI but you are experiencing some symptoms-- head pain & pressure; balance & dizziness-- that can be signs of head injury , but also can occur w/ other conditions (sinus, etc)

These "common" complaints are what make head injurys difficult---to Dx & treat. The info. you read RE: concussion is typical but I disagree w/ "first day" scenario.
Last year I was struck in head by wheelchair lift; I was knocked out & my head split open. I did get headache immediately BUT 3 days later, it got Really bad, along w/ nausea, vomitting, dizziness, vision & cogntive problems & more, worse. When I went to ER, was told this "delayed" reaction does occur frequently--day, weeks or even longer before signs * symptoms hit ...
my Tests (CT scan, etc) negative--I didn't have brain bleed --so nothing they could do except give shot for nausea/vomiting and headpain ; was sent home w/ those instructions --about having someone, signs to watch for, and to return if I got "worse" ... I did but didn't get much help from Drs, whom I've learned don't know what to do for "mild" TBI, except try treat some symptoms--such as headaches. I 've had persisting problems from this injury, exacerbated by additional mild concussions & head injurys, mostly from falls.

TBI/PCS is complex & often "controversial" issue... my neuro feels that many of my complaints are from other neuro & chronic pain problems. Perhaps but do feel that my head injurys made these conditions worse, along w/ more dysfunctions--cognitive, emotion, physical--too much & many to list....

many w/ TBi that became PCS (Post Concussive syndrome) know the frustrations of trying to deal w/ manifestations. when do seek intervention many (most) Drs that don't understand nor know how to treat or even Dx these conditions.

Most of these injuries resolve in time but for others it can go on--for weeks, months, even years... with periods of improvements & set backs. Most of these folks & Drs will recommend REST, take care of yourself & allow whatever healing is needed time. Don't do things that cause pain or more problems. When you feel better, then take on more. While PT has helped many, too much exercise or exertions too soon can result in setbacks... Listen to your body (and brain) -- when tired, rest or sleep if /when needed; nurture, be kind not hard on yourself {I need to follow that advice

I wish you the BEST with all your dealing with. I hope this is NOT a head injury with outcomes I've addressed & experienced.
but agree w/ others if your symptoms persist, get worse or you feel something is wrong seek medical intervention.
despite my own frustrations w/ going to ER, & many Drs (inc. "brain injury specialist" -who said he couldn't help) there may be something that does need attention . Vestibular problems frequently occur w/ head injury, I could go on but much said already...
Please check TBI /PCS forum for more info & other's shared experiences.

You are NOT being irrational--you know what you're experiencing & how it feels & affects. I pray this ALL resolves for you, soon...

if there's anything I can do , if you'd like more info (I've done Lots of research on TBI/PCS) need or want more support, or even just to vent, PM me ... I don't always read all threads every day... It's been up & down for me. I'm in a Down again--w/ severe debelitaing headaches, emotionally volitile, & other sensitivies & dysfunctions. It does get worse when I take on too much or get upset, which is often, and that's when things occur that cause more problems. Vicious cycle.... I hope will soon resolve.

wish ALL the Best...


Last edited by pono; 01-13-2008 at 05:45 AM. Reason: add
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