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Old 01-13-2008, 01:28 PM
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Default Why the Dr. reccommended morphine....He might be right you know

Originally Posted by cathym View Post
Thanks for your post. Glad I didn't get my hopes up. The dr. recommended Morphine. He didn't even want to know the meds I've be on in the past. Just went straight to Morphine.
I wonder if I should live with the pain and forget the doctor appt's. So far they haven't helped one tiny bit but to make be feel hopeless,pathetic and a bit crazy.
From my personal perspective.....

I went through the headache relief effort for almost 6 years, nothing ever worked except one thing.....and I just don't like it.....The choice is yours to make, but either way there is a price to be paid

There is a reason, and a very good reason why the doctor went straight to morphine.....

Morphine quite simply works, period. If you tolerate it well, it works better than any other legal painkiller you are ever going to be prescribed.

If you went and told him that the headaches are terrifyingly intense and continuous, and that there is never any relief, he, in my opinion anyway, did exactly the right thing.

You are going to require some sort of daily pharmaceutical regimen for maybe the rest of your life. Either that, or you are going to have to accept "it" as a daily part of your personal reality and just learn to live with "it" as best you can. That is just the way life is sometimes. For TBI people, sometimes "it's" just something we have to live with, whatever your personal "it's" may be.

No going through almost 30 kinds of anti-everything, various pain "relievers", prophylactic prescription regimens.....No forget all that, if you just want relief and want something that is, oddly enough considering morphines' reputation, relatively safe and side-effect free, take the morphine. It works, period. That I cannot emphasize enough. The stuff just plain works.

That doctor was trying to do you a favor. I would take him up on it if I were you.

But then, I quit taking morphine in spite of the fact that it works so well. I don't like life in a daze, though admittedly a rather pleasant daze it is....If you are tough enough to handle the headaches and remain somewhat functional and WITHOUTt thoughts of suicide taking over when you have them, then I say, "don't take anything!". It never gets any better, you just get better at dealing with them, maybe "living with" them is more correct, as time goes on.

Morphine is and deserves its' reputation as a highly addictive substance, if you start taking the stuff and keep taking it, as time goes on you will develop some tolerance to it and require larger doses to achieve the same effect, but it will keep right on working and working really well too.

Just don't try to quit all at once and on your own.....

Why I refuse to take morphine any more is about me and how I choose to live my life. Everybody has a different capacity for pain, and a different set of parameters for what they consider acceptable. What I or anybody else can handle, or thinks, or will or won't anything has nothing to do with you...If you can't take the pain, if you don't think living with it every day is reasonable, if you are tired of the debilitating effects and just need relief and need it now and forever more, then just take the stuff...If morphine was introduced yesterday, it would be considered a miracle drug and you would be begging your doctor for it.
Sometimes it's all about perception. I have had people taking oxy-codone tell me that they would never take OxyContin(tm), when they are both for all practical purposes the same exact thing....

Whatever life brings your way it's your burden alone to bear and your decision alone to decide, but always remember that it's not you alone who suffers when you have the headaches.
And don't forget too, that having and living with the headaches extracts a price too....And the price the headaches demand are not exclusive to you alone you know.
Are you reasonable and tolerable and fully functional around and with your children and friends and family when you have these things? Being alive is one thing, Living is another. If morphine helps you to be a better parent, spouse, friend, whatever, maybe should should think about taking it, and not worry at all over what those who don't now and will never know might think......
People take Lipitor everyday and most who take it could solve their medical issues with diet and exercise alone. You on the other hand have a problem that may never be resolved with any medical anything. Unless there is something that will magically cure all your ills first thing tomorrow morning without some sort of daily dosage, maybe you should rethink taking the morphine....

Just my $.02 worth anyway......
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