Thread: WCBurocrap..
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Old 01-19-2008, 02:47 PM
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Sandel Sandel is offline
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Unhappy WCBurocrap..

My doctor has been trying to get them to have me assesed by an OT for forearm crutches, WCB turned me down yesterday.. they won't authorise it and they won't pay for them because I shouldn't need them acording to my pain clinic discharge OR assesment (done april 06). They also turned down RSD in my left leg even though the TP bone scan says I have RSD/CRPS in that leg (it spread from my right leg injury).

They gave me the regional crap again.. The word "Regional" in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) was put in the new taxinomy to express the fact that RSD/CRPS spreads regionaly.. NOT that it's restricted to one place.. why those who renamed it would they put such a potentialy confusing term in the name is beyond me.. It only helps WCB and other insurance agencys, WCB just keeps using it wrongly to disalow further claims.

They also turned down the new diagnosis of Generalized CRPS. I have previously been accepted for right foot crush injury and right foot CRPS only.

In their Evidence section of the letter the medical advisor said "it remains my opinion that any relationship between this workers systemic symptoms or the left lower extremety symptoms and the injury to the right foot is speculative, with a probibility of less than 50%. (thats new and mabie usable)

HAA so that same medical advisor states that RSD/CRPS does not spread back in Oct 05 and they used that too, but used no Drs names so as not to show they are the same doc contradicting himself.. both comments by him are used in the same evidence section. that way too it looks like more docs disputing my claim.

In a diffrent section of the same denial they used one of my good docs reports against my generalized spread, because she said she felt she didnt know enouph about truncial CRPS but explains mirror spread in detail suporting the left leg CRPS in the same decision letter (diffrent "Evidence" sections for each of the 3 issues).

They also quoted one Dr as saying "I do not think her RSD is spreading more proximaly".. seems short huh? well thats because that DR's statement actualy read "I do not think her RSD is spreading more proximaly rather that she has lupus and that is what is causing the symptoms she describes". Lupus has since been ruled out and they know it!
So they edit doctors reports and write what suits them, ending sentences where it suits their purpose.

I am just so frustrated right now, I cant believe my life has come to this 3 years ago I had 2 jobs and an active lifestyle but now I am in too much pain to enjoy much of life, and WCB is trying to put me on the streets. I get just over 100.oo a month from them even though alot of doctors have declared I cannot work due to my condition. They are exausting me.. trying to make me give up.. I can't give up because this is my life, its all I have left.. but I can sure see why people go postal or take their own lives because of them.

Thanks for listening I am so bummed out right now it seems I can't win and they are trying to ruin me further.. something has to be done but I am loosing strength and they know it.

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