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Old 01-22-2008, 12:30 PM
Missa Missa is offline
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Missa Missa is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
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The nerve compression in my neck is definitely because of bulging discs. I had an mri that showed bulging discs and deg. disc disease at c4-c7. While the mri didn't show a nerve compressed at the time, my doctor has since told me that it's a positional compressional, meaning it's only when I'm in a certain position or doing certain things that it starts flaring up. Which I have to agree with him about because I am don't have constant pain, it's only when I do certain things or am in one position for a long time, like using the computer. My new Doc was upset with my Neuro because he said that since no nerve impingement was shown on the mri that it wasn't a nerve issue and therefore there was nothing more he could do for me. He just kind of wrote me off.

So far I have had physical therapy twice and already notice a lot of improvement. They have been doing electrical stimulation on my upper back and neck as well as some stretching exercises and light massages. I also see a Chiro every other visit. I have been much more aware of my posture, which I think that in itself is playing a huge role.

After yesterdays visit though, I was in a lot of pain. My left side is much worse than my right and I have a couple trigger points in the upper back area on that side. My pt was trying to work that out and I just think he was stretching it a little too much. I did tell him that it hurt really bad and he stopped but I was still in so much pain on that side last night! When I go back tomorrow I'm going to tell him to go really easy. I don't think they've decided yet on whether or not they'll do trigger point injections on me so we'll see.

As for Lyrica, Doc took me off. It wasn't helping at all with the pain and was giving me muscle cramps in my legs. Since then, which was almost 2 weeks ago I think, I haven't taken anything for pain. I do have vicodin I could take if I really needed it but I'm trying to ride the pain out when it does come. So far I've been successful with that which I am thankful for because I don't want to resort to vicodin as it keeps me up at night and when I do get some sleep I have very bad nightmares with it. As for sleep though, I've been taking Elavil. It works wonders on me.

I'm sorry that these meds may be having these effects on you. I knew weight gain was a big thing with Lyrica but I figured I'd give it a try anyway because if it works well then it works. You have to go with what works especially when you're in such pain every day.

I also get dizzy and I think it's from my occipital area because my muscles are so spasmed and/or constricted that they are pulling on my jaw and forehead area. I'm not sure if it's actual dizziness or it just makes me feel that way but I definitely think that's what it's from because it's only days when those muscles are really bothering me that I get that way.

Anyway, thanks for being concerned! I appreciate it! And thanks for all the info and yes, I will definitely educate myself on ANY meds they give me BEFORE taking them... just to have some awareness of how I might react. Thanks again!!

Originally Posted by finz View Post
LOL......Way to go Dr Momz ! Great diagnostic work !

Missa.....I saw your most recent thread and came back here searching for more info out of concern that you have cerv. radic, TOS, AND fibro.....that your new doctor wasn't dismissing fibro as if it was a case of either/or when it could be a case of both. I've been away a few weeks, so I hadn't seen this one where fibro was dx'd but you were already doubting that dx. It appears that you have great instincts !

We used to joke back on Braintalk that we should take donations and send one of us (like Di, Jo, or Tam before she felt this bad) to medical school so that we could all get the correct tests, dx's, and treatment I think we are going to have to move Momz to the top of the list ! Boy, did she call your case right !

This part could probably go in the new thread, but I am so glad that now you have found a doc who you really feel comfortable with and confident in their skills. You can't get the right treatment plan until they get the dx right. It sounds like what your doc is thinking is that it's a double crush......the nerve is compressed near your spine (maybe a disc, maybe a bony prominence from arthritis or problem with the vertabrae) and in the thoracic outlet. That's sort of what I have going TOS is better managed now after work with a great PT, but the impingement at the nerve root is still a big problem.

Regarding the Elavil and Lyrica......they are meds that could be prescribed for TOS too. I know that many people here have horror stories related to some of these meds. I think knowing those issues is an important thing to consider......along with the possible benefits and your doctor's recommendations when thinking about a new med. I'm on Neurontin, similar to Lyrica. It does help with the zingers (my name for the occassional intense pains that feel like an electric jolt), but only brings my baseline pain down a little. I gained about 30-40 pounds. Truthfully, I was overweight beforehand and an emotional eater, so I'm not sure that I can "blame" the Neurontin or whether it was from my eating to cope with pain (although I don't think I ate more than usual) and my sudden sedentary lifestyle from pain. After about 5 months on Neurontin I also (like Tam) became diabetic. Again.....can't be sure it was from the Neurontin in my case. I had already been overweight. My mom also has adult onset diabetes........but she was 70 when it developed....I was 40. Who knows ? I have recently tried tapering off blood sugars were much lower (within normal range even without my diabetes med), but my pain issues were worse, so I'm back on it.

I'm also dizzy.........but is it from Neurontin or TOS/cerv radic/trigger points/chronic myofascial pain ?

I'm also severely fatigued all of the time....but is it from the Neurontin ? because I can only sleep for an hour or two at a time d/t pain ? or could it be fibro/chronic fatigue (which I suspect but have not been dx'd with) ?

I'm on Zoloft and Nortriptyline, for depression and for the help with pain and sleep. I also had good results from Cymbalta in the past.

I guess where I'm going with the medication comments, educate yourself, don't take anything that you don't need..........but if you really need them, the benefits do outweigh the side effects for many of us as part of the pain management plan. Unfortunately, you can't even be sure how effective each ed will be and what side effects that you will have until you are already taking them

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that the right physical therapist will make a big difference. Take comfort in the fact that you are finally on the right path with a doc who gets it. Hang in there !
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