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Old 01-23-2008, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by FinLady View Post
Happy dance for me. Just found out my knee has 100% recovered!!!!!

PT to strengthen muscles, and that is all. Yipee!!!!!!
great new Dm!!
its now girl....

ok for me now,
I got up,got the kids off,then back for a nap.
Then my Dh said he would take me to my lawyer,so I was game for that. LOL. Aleast I dont have to go alone. Stupid blazer anyways!!! we got there at lunch time agian. we decided to go across the street to subway,we werent in there no more then 15 minutes. I didnt thank anything bout it but he turned the blazer off. Big mistake!!!
LOL.atleast I wasnt the one who had to be stuck along. I was grinning when he went to go get the guy in subway to jump it. I didnt say a word at all. Sweet victory...hehehe. I hate it when that stupid thing starts for him and not me.well I got my point across today huh.
Then I came home,made a mad dash to clean my house up before the kids got home,well didnt make it. LOL.
I fixed pork chops in the oven,diced pototoes in the mic,and green beans.
Ghost hunters is on tonight folks.
Ok time for shot.