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Old 01-23-2008, 10:54 PM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Hi. I'm Melody, diabetic for 20 years.

I was morbidly obese most of my life. Got to over 300 lbs. Not a pretty sight. Neither is Diabetic Neuropathy, which is what I have.

The worse thing I ever did was not pay attention when I was told I was diabetic. I must have been living in dream land when I was 40. I could have prevented a lot of nasty stuff. But no, I used to vegetate in front of the tv with chips, and dips and that's just what I did.

I'm happy to say I no longer do this kind of behavior. I just re-programmed my head and said 'enough is enough". My doctors are happy with me, and I'm happy with me.

I'm 60 and I actually have a chance to get off of Lantus. I'm down to 26 units (from 46) when I started almost 3 years ago.

I walk every day, and most important, I watch everything that goes into my mouth. I do not eat red meat (upon the advice of a nutritionist). Haven't gone near this in many years. I don't miss it. I do eat plenty of fish and I check the size of the fish because of the mercury content.

I eat grilled chicken on top of mixed greens with cherry tomatoes, radishes, sprouts (don't laugh, but it's good). I drink plenty of water.

I do not go near anything with aspertame. (Equal, nutrasweet. it's all the same).

I take care of my body now, because, when you think about it, if I don't who on earth will??

So to all of you dealing with weight issues, believe me, I was a member of that club for most of my life. I didn't like the way I was treated. I didn't like the way I felt. The depression was awful.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Believe me.

I used to weigh over 300.

I do not any more.

I have about 20 or so pounds to go but even if I don't lose any more, I'm okay because my sugar reading is just fine each day and I do all I can to keep it that way.

Oh, and many of you will find this helpful. I take a Methyl B-12 sublingual tablet (5000) each morning when I wake up. I have diabetic neuropathy (the burning).

Believe me, (and this may only apply to me, I have no idea if this will help anybody else), But my burning reduced like crazy.

My feet only burn now if I get stressed.

So I do all I can not to get stressed.

We really do have to take care of ourselves. We are all we have. And if you have children, you really do have to take care of yourselves so you can watch them grow and learn. You are their role models.

So if you smoke - please try and stop.

If you are obese - do whatever you have to do to eat a better way.

It really is your life and your future we are talking about here.

And I'm 60. I could say "oh, what the heck, I'm 60, it doesn't matter what I look like".


Neuropathy is no walk in the park.

You don't want to get it.

So eat good, and laugh every day.

And kiss your kid (if you have any)


P.S. My husband and I have discovered youtube and he's a riot. I also make videos and that's how my family, friends and I communicate. I am putting a link to a video I made over he summer. I was 59 when I made this. Check out my other videos. You'll laugh your head off.



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