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Old 10-04-2006, 02:58 PM
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crytears crytears is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: eagle creek oregon
Posts: 165
15 yr Member

I have all sorts of health issues.
I began seeing an Endocrinologist when my thryoid shut off.
Apparently....its part of B12 deficeincy that causes your thyroid to fail.
I have whats called auto immune related....Hashi Motos, hypo thyroid problems.
I eat less than half a serving of food a day and still am "fat"!

It's unbeleivable to be unable to lose an ounce of fat no matter how little I eat.
Last October I was in the hospital for 7 days...hooked up to an IV, no food because of my Crohns flare. I gained 9 lbs then
I'm sure all the glucose in the IV's added loads of calories into my veins.
Now a year later....I still have the extra pounds hanging off my bones.
So unfair! But that goes with low metabolism.
My body temp is always 97* no matter how hot the day is.
My female hormones are really messed up as well.
It's causing my mucas membranes to be very raw and tender....that's all I'll say but you can imagine how painful this is on your private parts....and now has involved my bladder Urethra is inflamed and all the membranes are raw.
I had a wonderful test last Friday..oh it was fun! It was supposed to be a very easy test where they put a camera/scope into your bladder via the urethra....Even though they numbed it up it hurt due to all the bleeding caused from the membranes to be torn. When the numbing wore off it was a very tearful drive home.
It was a lot more fun than the root canal I had this last Monday.
Because of my absorbtion problems I now wear a vaginal Esta Ring.
The only way I can get the hormones into my body.
I'm taking Synthroid 150 mcg a day....but my levels fluctuate daily.
Some times I absorb it just fine, other days I don't.

I'm always being switched to a lower dose, then when the numbers fall/rise I go back up to higher level. Its never a happy medium.
When I can't tolerate cold water, my feet, hands and nose ice cold, they change the dosage again.

This is just so much fun! I've read all the information I could on Mary Shomans Thyroid web site....lots of valuable info.
I do wish my Endo would let me at least try out the Armor pig thyroid, but he claims its too dangerous....what does he know? He's only an Endocrinologist!
I hope you're not having as much fun as I am!
Blessings, cheryl
No well behaved woman ever made history!
I am forced to take one day at a time....God won't let me fast foward through the bad times
Still life is worth living no matter how bad my pain is....there will be a better day....I tell myself this often, and the sun breaks through the clouds...and I smile!
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