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Old 10-04-2006, 04:58 PM
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I called the neuro before even filming it.

I administered diastat after shooting the footage.

I could not arouse her. I could not stop the movement. I could not distract her.

Within 15 minutes of the diastat, she is responding. We just spent 5 minutes saying "hi" to each other back and forth.

As a clarifcation, in the video she was pre diastat. As soon as I stopped filming, I gave the diastat. She is sick too with pneumonia (why they are not hospitalized, i do not know). I know her seizure threshold is low because she is ill. It took her 15 minutes after giving her the diastat before she started responding to me.

I did hear back from the Neuro. He gave me the office email address for his assistant and I am to send him the footage. He will get back to us tommorow.

I smell a hospital visit tonight perhaps.
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