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Old 01-28-2008, 10:35 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Default 15 days till my 1 year anniversary w/dxis: long

I'm having mixed emotions about it .

For those of you who don't know my story from the other place here goes:

I made an appointment to see my PCP because I had been tired for quite a while and I had started getting off balance. I thought maybe my Iron was low causing the tiredness and maybe my BP pill had to be adjusted and that it was causing the dizzies.

About 3 days before my appointment I started getting the tingles down my left side. It started in my stomach and worked its way up my arm and down my leg slowly. I knew I was going in so I figured I'd wait and talk to her then. She sent me for blood work to test my Iron and my bp stuff. SHe felt I was probably coming down with the Shingles and decided to have me get a antiviral. This was a Friday, she said I would probably start to experience some pain on the same side as the tingles because she said it is normally on one side or the other.

I asked her why I didn't have a rash and she said it was common to start this way and it was better to treat it before the rash broke out or it would hurt more and be harder to get rid of. So I ok I can see that.

The next day I had a Girl Scout function I was in charge of so even tho I wasn't feeling great I needed to go. I pushed myself physically, and I paid for it.

By the end of the day, a Saturday of course, I had a severe pain in my shoulder on my right side and it itched like holy ****. I was exhausted and had to have my friend drive me home. I took a pain pill put some cold compress on the itches per the recommendation of the DR on call, he wanted me to go to the ER but I hate our ER and the pain in my shoulder I had had a year prior.

<They told me it was a pinched nerve and told me to see my DR. She was on Vaca and I had to see another DR in her practice who agreed w/the ER and put me on an anti-inflammatory.

By the time my regular PCP got back the pain and numbness was gone so she said we'd leave it at that for now but if it happened again I needed to let her know because she would want to send me for an MRI.>

I fell asleep and Sunday when I woke my left side still had the tingles and now my right side was heavy and not working right. I called my PCP 1st thing Monday morning.

She said she was going to send me for an MRI because something was wrong. At this point she already suspected the MS but didn't tell me, which I understand. She called back and told me if anything else changes to go to the ER if she wasn't in the office or on call and my MRI would be w/and w/out contrast on Friday night.

She told me to come in Tuesday for the results. I was sleeping about 18 hours I'd get up make myself something to eat and have to sit back down because I was tired. Fatigue anyone .

Monday morning she called me and asked me if I could come in at 11:30, uh-oh. I called DH at work he said ok he'd leave cause I couldn't drive.

We got to the office and she came out to get me, which is unusual, usually the nurse does that, again all I can think is . She waits till we are both sitting down and then says "You have Multiple Sclerosis" .

She waits a minute for me to digest this and gives me a hug. She says I set up for you to start IV steroids, you'll go to amblutory care and they'll put the line in and give you the iv for an hour once a day for 5 days, you'll start tomorrow, the Nueroligist wants to see you today .

SHe told me her name and sent me there immediately. The nuero had me do the standard pin prick, balance, memory stuff and talked to me some about my MRI. I had "quite a few lessions in my brain" .

She talked to me about the IV steroids and what it was for. SHe wanted to send me for a spinal MRI because she felt based on my current sxs I was having a flare there. She was right.

She gave me info on the DMDs and suggested I should take one. SHe said she would not push me into it because unless I made the choice to take one I would not stick to it, pun intended sorry couldn't resist, so I took the info.

We stopped at my moms and I told her, then we went to my MILs and told her, I got home and called my dad. Then I cried a lot.

I finally looked at the info and chose Copaxone and started researching MS maybe a week or 2 later. I started C in March a couple of weeks before my 31st b-day.

It still seems so unreal, I was truly blindsided by my dxis, some times it still seems so surreal.

But I am grateful to have had a PCP who took me seriously and sent me for the right tests. I found out she already had 11 patients with MS and thats why she recognized my sxs right away and she wasn't afraid of the dxis.

I'm sorry this was so long and I thank you for sticking with me. You have all been a God send to me this year and I don't know what I would have done with out all of you.

I admit it I freaked about the things that went on with the other sight because I would have been lost without the people I met there that shared their lives with me. With all my already mixed emotions I just couldn't handle it. Not now when I was so close to my anniversary .

I am so thankful to all of you here at Neurotalk for welcoming us with open arms. You all rock!

Thank you all for listening to me and encouraging me this year and heres to another year of friendships and understanding.

I will get thru this and you all are a large part of that thank you!

To talk about "conquering" the uncertainty of MS is to miss the point: MS is uncertain; one of its foremost attributes is uncertainty. BARBARA D. WEBSTER

You learn to be a man and a warrior by sharing and by keeping promises. Kenneth Maryboy

DX w/MS 2/12/07 on Copaxone 3/07
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