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Old 02-01-2008, 04:02 AM
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DizySara DizySara is offline
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DizySara DizySara is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 28
15 yr Member
Confused Introducing myself

Hello everyone.

My name is Sara here is my history. I've been diagnosed with fibro since 96. Living with it since 86, it seems to have started with me after a tramatic accident when I was struck by a truck after it ran a red light while I was walking across an intersection. I've gone through small bouts of remission here and there but it's been active and getting worse again for past 4 years. I'm allergic to codine, aspirin and morphine so alot of medications have been excluded for me to take. The one thing that helped with pain they have now taken from me as well because I've developed breathing difficulty which my doctor says is an allergic reaction to as well I was taking Ultram. I'm unable to take even tylenol regularly for pain because when I was first diagnosed the doctor had me on so much it shut down my kidneys. That took a heck of a time to recoop from itself.

My thyroid went nuts and because I'm unable to work a regular job my family's finances are crunched to the max. Been through the social security ring again and failed. I had successfully been on it once but took myself off during a brief remission to go back to work. *I suggest that if you finally get approval for SSI to keep it. Remissions I've learned aren't permenant and the long haul with SSI is even harder to get back the second time. Well because of this I don't get to doctors or get my medications as I need them. Which leads me to get to severe stages of things before they are taken care of. I go months without my thyroid medications which only makes the rest of my conditions worsen. But when there's no money left well, kids come first for me.

I went through menopause very young had my last period in 2004 at 37 years old. Well about 2 weeks ago I started what at first seemed like a period, at first I was well beyond mad. I felt like this is so messed up, and mother nature was cruel to have me go back through that again. I asked around and most people looked at me like well your to young, like I didn't even go through menopause. But I had and I knew it so I did some research on my own and each thing I read came back to contact your doctor that it was not normal so the next morning I did. My family doctors office suggested I contact a obgyn so I did. They were great with getting me in the next day. He did an internal and then scheduled an ultrasound. I went figuring this is just going to come back ok and it's probably just complications from my thyroid. Well I got the call this morning that it doesn't look good and they want to do a biopsy and schedule a dnc. I've gone through so many emotions today I'm scared, angry and worried. I know what the possibilities are and now I can't sleep because my brain won't stop jumping from one thing to another.

I've learned to live with a certain amount of pain and usually only get knocked down from the baseball bat pains, you know the ones where the bat comes back and swings at ya and catches you off guard and knocks you to your knees. My neck and shoulders have been so bunched up that sitting or laying down doesn't seem to lighten it up. The fibro fog has also been really bad lately. I don't even want to talk on the phone much because I can't focus on the call long enough and feel like I'm being rude because I zone out alot.

Plus I suffered from menengitis and encephilitis (unsure about spellings there)about 2 years ago and it left me with difficulty with my memory on top of the regular fibro fog. Now I forget complete segments of some days, not just the names of words or spellings of them. I never know what I'll forget. So to try to keep certain memories. I do alot of constant repeating outloud things to make my brain think they are long term memories.

I'll be reading alot of threads to see if there are others out there going through similar experiences and such. But I wanted to introduce myelf to the board and give you a crash version of what my conditions are. I'm sure I've forgot to add things, but hopefully through time I'll get it all out as things arrise. Oh yeah I also learned recently after being hospitalized that I was diagnosed as being bi-polar, which came as a surprise to me since the shrink I was seeing never told me about his conclusion. He had put me on Seraquel which was great, but because of a clash in other medications I had to stop taking as well. I just never know what diagnosis are correct or which are the opnions of people who don't understand Fibro and the range of emotions we go through with it. But there it was in my charts so who knows. I tell you all that's gone wrong I almost wish it was just a case of hypocondria. One pill and a good shrink could fix that.

Sorry to go on so long, needed to vent a little, better to get it out than to keep it in and it sure does feel alot better to get it off my chest.

I look forward to meeting ya'll and helping each other out.

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