Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 28
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 28
From what I've been learning is that Fibro is actually Flouride poisioning. The symptoms are identical. But they will not admit this because of possible law suits. It reminds me of what happened to my father with Agent Orange. They waited till it was to late and no chance of fighting it to admit he had it and how he got it. By time he was properly diagnosed with it he had only 2 yrs left to live. Although Fibro won't kill us so they say. It can be directly connected to flouride poisioning, but they don't tell you this. And most doctors themselves don't make the connection as well.
Secondary, primary. To me it's all a way to keep us in circles so that we don't find the truth behind it all.
Personally I'm not waiting around for a cure from people who've been covering up the cause. I'm trying to find a way to eliminate Flouride from everything I consume. And see if that helps. Although who knows how bad the damage is already done and how much of it's reversible.