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Old 02-08-2008, 06:36 AM
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My apologies for whatever it is I said/wrote/offered that you seem to have taken such great offense to. I really had no thought that anything I may have said would be viewed as offensive or demeaning or patronizing in any way

"A) I didn't buy the computer, as I have stated more than once. It was a gift."
A gift that doesn't meet ones needs, is a gift still, offers to alleviate a gifts shortcomings are gifts as well. That's all I thought was being offered.

"B) I've not inquired about replacing VISTA with Linux."
No, but you expressed concerns and issues with the "gifts" inability to perform as needed/expected, and what was offered were options for increased performance and capability and security at no cost to you. To not mention or suggest the lowest priced and most cost-effective, highest performance, most reasonable, long lasting, options at that would not have been a very responsible thing to do. In my opinion it wouldn't anyway...

"C) I'm not soliciting people to send me free items or trying to arrange for items to arrive at no cost to me."
I was not under any misconception that you were soliciting anyone for anything. I was simply making you an offer of a free long term solution for your PC compatibility issues. No strings attached, nothing asked for nor expected for in return. I withdraw whatever offer of anything you are so offended by. You expressed needs and desires and limited resources that I believed myself and others to be in possession of the tools and knowledge of the solutions necessary to resolve in the most performance and cost effective way to permanently resolve those issues and concerns.

"D) I thought I was in a support forum, not one where I'm patronized: "....Oh yeah, now we're really off to dreamland...."
I really really really did not mean this to seem as "patronizing" in any way. that is just the way I think/talk/write. I'll definitely be on the look-out for the possibility of what I say seeming so offensive when the intention is not. My sincerest apologies for seeming so insensitive/patronizing/whatever-it-was-taken-as

"Thank you for the offer, but no thanks."
Your welcome. And, no further "offer" will follow.

"Dang, I must be a total fool."
Oh no! Far from it, a little ****** perhaps, and perhaps that with some minor justification at all parties involved. But a fool? Nahhhhhh. And a "total fool"? No way..............I have met some of them, you're not even close. Why I even find you and your concerns interesting and worthy of thought.

Once again, sorry to have so unintentionally demeaned you. I honestly had no such intentions.

"I'm sorry I even bothered."
I'm not....Never apologize for your dis-satisfaction with anything. That something I say or do doesn't please you should have no reflection on whether what was being offered is of no or negative value. That you "bothered " to even bring the subject up is a good thing that may cause others to think about better or different ways to accomplish and meet their own needs and goals without having to deal with issues others have dealt with before them.
You have not a thing to be sorry for. Nobody her does.

It is a beautiful morning here already! I am off to walk the Sasha uptown.

I hope that all y'all and all of all y'alls too in the mid-west and south-central USA are safe and warm....My 56 days was up Monday, so I guess I'll go and give the ARC a pint of B-Neg and a small check too today or tomorrow. If you are so able too, please do the same or something similar.....Please, give a pint if you can, it only takes a few minutes, and doesn't really hurt.

Y'll HAGD!
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