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Old 10-06-2006, 07:38 AM
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Default Carol...answers - as much as I can give, anyway....

Originally Posted by concerned lady View Post
Hi LisaM!

I agree with everything the others have said, here, in response to your message, and I agree with all their good advice!

Some additional questions for you, are:

1) What is this man's Vitamin B-12 blood levels? Rose is an expert about Vitamin B-12 deficiencies (causes, symptoms, testing, best types of B-12 supplements, etc.), and Rose (and others) can explain how a Vit. B-12 deficiency can cause peripheral neuropathy (PN).

2) Does he have any problems with digestion &/or small intestinal absorption of nutrients that normally keep nerves healthy?

a) Might he have a GLUTEN sensitivity? Cara first told us (on original BrainTalk) about Dr. Fine (gastro MD) and his EnteroLab, with website at EnteroLab (in Dallas, TX) does non-invasive stool sample tesing, looking for possible "sensitivities" to certain food proteins, such as gluten (in wheat, rye, barley), casein (a milk protein), etc.

See the forum here (and at OBT/Original BrainTalk), called Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac Disease, (Cara started that forum, over at OBT).

There may be similar bad effects from casein, if one is sensitive to that milk protein.

3) Cara also told us that a GLUTEN sensitivity can cause neurological problems, even if there are no digestive (mal-absorption) problems.

4) Many MEDICATIONS have bad side effects that can cause peripheral neuropathy. Read paper package insert, etc. WHAT ARE ALL MEDS HE HAS BEEN TAKING, FOR HOW LONG, AND FOR WHAT CONDITIONS?:

a) One example (there are plenty of other examples): ACID BLOCKERS! These prevent the stomach from making "intrinsic factor molecules", and without these intrinsic factor molecules, dietary Vitamin B-12 doesn't get properly absorbed in the ileum of the small intestine. Rose taught us this. Does this man have GASTRIC REFLUX? If yes, is he taking ACID BLOCKERS? (like Nexium, Prilosec, etc.)

I have some gastric reflux tips on webpage 10 of my website (non-drug). Webpage 5 of my website tells about some causes of reflux.

5) Has he had any vaccinations, such as a flu shot, military required vaccinations, etc.?

6) Has he been exposed to any harmful (toxic/poisonous) chemicals? (chemicals used at his workplace, outgassing from new building materials, outgassing from new carpets, pesticides which include at least insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, MOLD from water leaks &/or flooding, etc.)

7) Follow up on all the advice the others just gave you (and I'm sure more people will have more advice, soon!)

Thank you for your thorough response, Carol. This is exactly what I was looking for. I don't know much, as he's the patriarch of the family, and as such he tries to remain strong, and would rather die than let all of us know how much pain he's REALLY in, or how much he is REALLY deteriorating. Like I said, when we ask how he's doing, he always puts on a happy face, smiles and says, "Oh, GOOD, Good!" but we can "see" he's lying. For example, he came by the other day, got out of the van, and we saw him wobble when he stood up, and he stood there for a moment, waiting for his feet and legs to steady before he began to walk. And mom told us he mentioned that he won't be able to drive their motor home soon (the drive from here - Michigan - to Florida for an extended vacation every year in the motor home, and this is the joy of their life) because he cannot drive for an extended period of time. He can't "feel" the pedals after a while, and can't feel the brake, or how much pressure he's putting on it. So we KNOW he's getting worse...but he won't tell us this. So i will TRY to answer what I know - although it's not much. And what I don't know, I will forward to him in email so he can speak to his doctors. At least I know MOM (his wife) will make the doctors look at him for these things. So, here goes...

B12, GLUTEN, ACID BLOCKERS...I have no idea. Flu shots, they get every year. Chemicals, I don't know...but one of his son's owns a fertilizing business and does fertilize his home and businesses every year so he would be exposed to that, but not much. Also, I'm sure every now and again he'd be exposed to new carpet, but again, not much as it's not his "business" just would be when it's replaced at home or in one of his offices (he owns a few tax franchises, but retired a few years ago). I will find out what medications he's taken over the years, at least up until he was dx'd with the neuropathy and report back later (if he'll tell I said, he doesn't like to "admit" he's as bad off as he is). Thank you SO MUCH for the response. I KNOW this is a great source of info. I post on two other forums at BT, and was at OBT for a few years on two different forums for myself, and there are awesome people there - so I just KNEW there would be awesme ppl here, too

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