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Old 02-18-2008, 12:07 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2007
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Default I like "Monk" also to be truthful.

It's so silly,but at the same time I have mixed feelings about the content centering on his OCD. Nevertheless it is funny,and shows that he has a special talent,with his bumbling OCD problems, which I have also. I know that the people who are organizing the television programs goal is primarily to entertain,and they aren't interested in making a point most of the time. I need the humor anyway. I have the same problems of cleaning. I have a fear of germs,social phobia,fear of condemnation,religious fears,I have air purifiers in every room. Before I leave home I have to turn on home monitoring cameras because I have a fear of loosing my valuables. This has happened to me before. Some of my OCD traits are phobias,and visa versa,or both. I have to do things a certain way before I leave. I have to keep the bathroom extremely clean. That's a good thing, but I over do it. I've just been up most of the night cleaning the floors,clothes,vacuuming the sofas,cleaning Ionic Breezes,and so forth. I have to shower,shave,brush my teeth most of the time before I go anywhere. It always takes to much time,then I loose track of time as I become obsessed. As I become obsessed,I do a more,and more thorough job in what ever I'm doing. I read sentences,and then I have to make sure that I've read every word after I've been reading for awhile. Sometimes I count my steps when I'm walking. Sometimes I have music in my thoughts that I cannot stop. Then I get a pain in my chest from the anxiety,and muscles pulling in the center of my chest. I've worn out sweaters,and undershirts from rubbing that pain in the center of my chest. I have obsessions about saying things wrong,or sounding confused,and all of these religious fears. Some of my thoughts get stuck in my head,and the thoughts get bigger,and bigger. Then confusion gets tremendous,focus becomes disabled,I loose track of time,tormenting fears get in,I feel more insecure,I feal like I've done something wrong,I feel this enormous false guilt,and religious fears terrify me.Then that's when I start to loose it, when I have a cluster of all of this at one time. I go into a cloud of torment. The top of my head becomes tight. I feel these electric type shocks,and I don't know what the heck that is. I had a bad experience in a non denominational church. I have these religious fears that sometimes terrify me. All of these things,and more, happen. That's just the tip of the iceberg. All of this Is very tormenting. That's the key word. It's torment. It goes away though,but it comes back. I had anxiety,and panic attacks before the OCD. That got worse when I was in my thirties. Before then I had the panic attacks. My eye's would shake. I'd sit in the back of the class,and the back of the auditorium. Being around that many people was like being next to a large fire. They where like fire. I was afraid of being around crowds of people. The more people the worse it was. I would be frozen with fear. My whole body would stiffen,and I would be tight all over. I get insomnia,headaches,and of all things minor allergy attacks. My stomach,and intestines become irritated. I feel rejected. I feel like I've lost my friends,because I've been so upset recently. I find that people don't want to be around you when you have problems like this,and I don't want to hear a off the wall opinion,because it is usually wrong,and makes me feel even worse. I could go on,and on. I'm a wreck right now. I don't feel ,peace,happiness,acceptance, and things like that.I feel like my positive emotions have become numb,because I have had these illnesses most of my life. It does not look like it's going to change. I'm 55,and they didn't know what they know now, when I was growing up. I could have had more help,and understanding in class, society,and felt better about myself. I got some of the strangest looks,and there where plenty of bullies to make me feel worse,on top of feeling those things that I've been talking about. I hope that since I'm pouring my heart out like this,that this isn't going to somehow be used in a detrimental way against me. I'm reaching out for help. I don't want to come into any hardship for what I've been talking about. I think that most people with these kinds of problems don't talk about it,and the medical community may not do as much about it. Am I alone in this? Do other people feel like this? We need help. It's to big for me. There are to many things bothering me,and always have. I have never been treated effectively by the medical community. Have there been any breakthroughs? I'm so tired of the way that I am.
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