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Old 02-21-2008, 05:07 PM
srdaley srdaley is offline
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srdaley srdaley is offline
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Default Hang On Shadow the Troops are Coming!

Hi Shadow,
I'm so glad you wrote into the list. I myself just made my very post a few days ago. With that being said, I'm grateful that we've met and I'll do whatever I can to help you find something to assist you. First, is the place your living a healthy enviroment? Unless I'm remembering wrong, which certainly happens, you mentioned you were considering moving out of your friends there some reason for this? Has he asked that you leave? If all is fine there and the only reason you thinking of leaving is that you "take up to much space," I'd talk to your friend, explain in detail the problem (if you haven't already) and see how long he would let you stay there. I'm not sure what part of the country you're in, but the weather all over the U.S. has been cold, wet, and thing that will make any MSer's symptoms worse. The weather along with your emotional stress should have you on a scale of 1-10 at about a 12!! Thankfully I don't have MS although 14 yrs ago when I was diagnosed with another illness, I was given an MRI because I had so many of the same symptoms as a person with MS. I'm certainly not an expert on MS, but one of my best friends had it over 40 yrs ago, after my ex husband and I split up (we had also moved) we lost touch. I'm 60 now, and she was at least 10 yrs older than I was. I also worked for a Dr. in Family Practice until I became to ill to work. I miss it to this day, but am so grateful my husband is supportive and I've got a good roof over my head. My brother in law, who is now deceased,also had MS, he would be about 66 if he were living, but I learned quite a lot from him. I've lived here for 24 yrs and have a wonderful friend that is a nurse, has had MS for half of that time, and is still working as a nurse where my mother is. She's a few years younger than I am, but is always so willing to help a person if she can. I can get in touch with her at any time if you have some specific questions you need answered. With her being a nurse, she knows that the most important thing is taking care of Number 1, yep, you! There are a few basics I need to know before I can make any suggestions. I'm hoping that you can email me privately so I can give you some information that would probably be of no use to anyone else. At one point I was a chronic pain rep for the U.S. It sounds like a big job, but that's where I learned you can only do, what you can do. As soon as you try doing more than your body wants to until you are in at least a bit of a remission, you'll do nothing but get worse. Stress definitely makes MS worse, which is no big surprise to anyone, since stress is one of the worst things for any of us.

You mentioned Montel. Do you know about the book he just published called "Living Well?" (I think that's the name of it) At any rate, that will be the easiest part of our workload. Do you have family nearby? If so, is there some reason that you didn't stay with them? I'm thinking mother, father, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, anyone who really knows you. How about any of your old girlfriends. What you need to do ASAP is write in to the Montel show(by email) send him the story you just shared with us. I know he's probably got more information on MS than anyone else and would be more than willing to help you under the circumstances. If not to have you on the show, at least aim you in the direction of how to get the best help. Montel is a good man who has helped more people than anyone else I know. (I'm sure there are many, I just happen to love Montel and think he's got a heart of gold...also a humble man). When you emailed me back, please let me know:
Age of onset of MS
Who you have as far as family goes..
What part of the country are you originally from, and where are you now. If you had a choice, would you choose to stay where you are? (I'll explain this one later). Being in extremely hot or cold climates is, as I'm sure you're well aware, is one of next thing to make your MS worst.

I just received a new set of books for health. I got them for my condition, but MS is also in them. They talk about health, living life, nutrition....lots of stuff, but I'd be more than happy to help you do some research and found out what will help you until you can get to a good primary care physician. This is only a suggestion, but with what you've got going on, I'd try and get an Internist. They specialize in the type of thing your going through, with the help of a good neurologist. You mention that you are on Medicare. Me too. I've been getting it since I was the BIG 50, now, I'm soon turning the big 61

I live in California, just outside of Yosemite. It's probably one of the mildest climates next to Hawaii....and who can afford to live there?

Once I hear from you I can go back through some of my old Dr.s lists and see if I can find you a good referral in your area that takes Medicare. Are you on SSD or SSDI also? Do you have other income? Are you able to take care of yourself or do you need help doing the slightest of work. MS is really a strange disease.

Start by making a list of things that are the most important to you, then prioritize them. If number one on your list doesn't seem to be working out, move on to number two and so on. Just email me and let's try and find you a good Dr. first.

I'm hoping I can give you even a wee bit of hope. Being ill, and feeling alone, is such a scary place to be. Just remember you're not alone, and only an email or phonecall away. Just take a deep breath (don't forget to let it out )

I'll look forward to hearing from you. If you'd email me directly I'll be able to get back to you sooner. I'm a newbie on this list also, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules that my fibrofog has helped me forget...

Love and Hugs,
(I needed to remove my email address due to list rules until I'v made at least 10 posts)
I just goofed. I received a message saying that a person needs to make 10 posts before you can send out your email address.

P.S. If some sentences don't make sense, please forgive me. The hardest thing for me to do is to go back and reread my own boring!
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