Thanks for the tips gals. I'm on south beach a good bit of the time. I don't like chicken or fish tho. Their are only 3 tv dinners I'll eat, either beef or pork. I don't have to cook like you gals do.
I went and bought a deep steam rug cleaner today so that I'd have something to complain about tomorrw. I need a hobby but not interested. All my rugs are beige and a real job to keep clean with pets coming and going.
Was on the treadmill all I could stand. My sugar is so high and I am not eating starch or sugar. Its so upseting, when I have been a good girl. I'm on 1000 grams of cinnamon 2 X a day & nothing is working to bring the blood count down. The doctors office called today and remined me of my appointment with dr. wednesday morning. I'll end up on shots yet, I suppose.
We have another winterly mix coming in tonight. H E L P!
And lasting all day tomorrow.) Will it ever stop? I may head south it if keeps this up. Alffe, can I hich a ride Thur?