Thread: Starting Requip
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Old 03-05-2008, 01:59 PM
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ok,Im adding something ,
I started the "have to move my arms" thingy as one of my first sx at onset of ms,
Then that went away after about a month.
Then did the sleep study,and they found that i have RLS in my legs,then I brought the muscle spasm thing up to my neuro and she did the dose pack thingy U guys were talking about.
Ive been on requip for a year,and I started to have 3 nites a week with the feeling bleeding trough the requip.
Which sucked too. NOTHING I did made it go away. So,my neuro told me to start my neurontin back,and see what happenes. I did,I was taking 1,200 mgs after my last flare,but now Im just on 900 mgs at night. I still maybe will Have 1 night a month,instead of 3 nights a week.
So I think the combo of the requip and the neurontin has something to do with everything calming down.
but the idea of after a while it stops to work as good really makes since....
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