sure the shakey feeling could be you are just trying to adjust to the meds. your body needs to vap up sort to speak so the meds can reach the right effectivness with the doseage your at. it takes a few weeks. any side affects write down for your doc there is more then just one type of med too so dont give up, just give it a chance to work and time for yourself to adjust .
If this one dose not help so well with more bad side affects then the med helping your doc can put you on another. many people need to try a few diffrent meds until they find the best one or combo of meds that works for them.
chat again soon . me feeling really blaa to much wind a few days ago made for mega flare up that hasnt clamed down to well yet.I will check back here tomorrow. there is a list of diffrent meds at the top here, I think under tips for new comers?? maybe check them out, the side affects and have a list to mention to your doc next time.