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Old 10-11-2006, 03:24 PM
Nathan1097 Nathan1097 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 152
15 yr Member
Nathan1097 Nathan1097 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 152
15 yr Member
Arrow On Top of the World & Then BAM! Back to being emotionally a child (update on me)

I am having yet another bad bipolar day. (I will probably finish this post later (i.e. edit it) because its near time to get the kids.)

Well, good and bad.

I hadn't read the bipolar handbook recently at all. I am really trying to heal myself metaphysically and through prayer. On the surface that seems like "hoping and forgetting" but it is far from it. It is a calming. Reading a book that contradicts this- that is giving claim to the idea that I am flawed- even STATING that I must believe I am sick to be healed- is in direct contradiction to C.S. Yet, when I read this book, I feel something like "Yes this is me. Yes there is a reason all these things are connected. Yes oh my god I am NOT insane or alone in doing things like wondering if my sig. other is seeing someone else, having issues with keeping or wanting to keep jobs...." There are lots of details, I could put it.

I read .... weeks inbetween, when I feel "fine" I do not. But then days like yesterday happen. When in the morning I felt on top of the world, thinking of how I would get a job, and that having my own house- yae even BUYING one!- is completely possible and within grasp and SOON!- and that all is right with my person, to later in the day thinking I would surprise Christopher by going into the movie he was at with his daughter- something *I* would enjoy, not realizing not everybody would. This only served to make for an uncomfortable evening, a VERY stressful sleep for me, and a conversation with my ex. about "What if it had been his ex-wife or another woman, instead of his daughter?" Things that I tend to put out of my mind as "needless worry outside of trying to keep lucid based on what I know as fact", only to have Christopher write an email response last night saying all was well with the event and no worries, but "What if it had been...?" That was the first real reality that told me "Hey- its not in my mind. HE thinks it could've been someone else too?" All the while, I go between meditating through C.S., trying to find a job (I put in an application last night cuz I didn't get the one last week), and when I DO that I feel like "Yes I am normal and can do this..."- and then today I feel "Maybe I need to get this bipolar under control before I go arranging jobs... but my life will not change if I do not change it..." Wondering if these things are not just manifestations of bipolar.

All my life I have done things like this- things which I thought were perfectly okay socially and then turned out to be huge misjudgements- like surprising someone at the movies. I have had people just stop talking to me because they cannot deal with me this way. I am not ALWAYS this way- but it IS there, and it is often times a helpless feeling. A detached feeling. I will take on my life/the world.... and then, reality sets in. I have not run away lately or spent lots of money, but when life's rules seem to change on me it throws me for a loop. I am spending time doing "dialectical behavioral therapy" -or my version thereof. I will see myself getting into a non-sensical way of thinking and then step around it. Then times like last night happen and BAM! I am back to being completely confused and emotionally ... well whatever it is, it is not what I would guess is 34 1/2. This is when I find comfort in reading "The bipolar handbook" because it tells me "Yes you are NOT crazy. You are ill with bipolar." This in itself is helpful. The next step is to somehow cure myself of this metaphysically but that will take a while. Short stop-gap measures are singing in the car alone- something that lets go of a lot of emotion "positively". Some days, I cannot deal with myself like this and wonder how I expect others to. The silent hugs or hand-holding I get from Christopher do more than warm my hands- they calm my heart.

I don't hold out a lot of hope for my counselling sessions coming up, but at the same time I DO because maybe they will point me in the right direction. Very little has ever come out of psychotherapy for me- save for ONE social worker about a year and a half ago.
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