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Old 10-11-2006, 09:24 PM
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Default Wow!!!

This site is exactly what I needed!! Thanks Wittesea!!

My family and friends still don't get it. I think I have mentioned that my dear sweet old Dad will still ask me to do things that seem so simple to him, "thread this needle for me, can you put this air gauge on the tire stem, hold this for a minute..." in his defense he is 83, blind in one eye and has other physical ailments.

The worst part is when I tell him I can't, he feels terrible and gets upset with himself for even asking me!!

On the old B.T. I posted that we (hubby and me) went on vacation with my in-laws 6 mos. after my surgery and they kept saying "what is wrong with you, you just aren't yourself ???" And " now remember, we don't mention the P word today" ...


Guess who will be getting this sites url sent to them!!!

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