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Old 03-28-2008, 06:05 AM
Patricialyn Patricialyn is offline
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Patricialyn Patricialyn is offline
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Confused Received a second opinion, more confusion

Hello again,

First I want to thank you all fo you input on my thread, I appreciate all of you suggestions and support.

As requested by my doctor I saw a neuro surgeon, who also specials in spine disorders to examine me.

The visit was not to informative, except he stated that he saw no abnormalities on my spine MRI, which I already knew. He also stated that he did not think that the PN that I suffered in my feet and and back of legs could be caused from a pinched nerve in my spine.

After seeing the spine specialist, I went back to my neuro that claims that the NP is definitely coming from a pinched nerve in my spine, even though it does not show up on the spine MRI. She states that impingement of a nerve can be present, and not always show up on a MRI. She claims that the nerve disorder did show up slightly on the EMG so she feels confident in her diagnose of a pinched nerve in my back.

She ordered another MRI of my brain also. I had the MRI, it still showed up slight hyper sensitives in the white matter, but no change in 10 years, which is caused possibly from migraines, or idiopathic reasons.

So, my neuro states I should continue PT, AGAIN for a pinched nerve in my back. (I complain, due to I work full time, and also take care of my elderly mother that lives miles from me, and I already did PT, its TIME consuming. grumble grumble)take neurontin at night, and see her in one year. I have GREAT fears of taking medication, especially the neurontin, since I part of my problem is being overweight 50 lbs. MY doctors say I will feel better if I lose the weight, then put me on medication that can lead to weight gain. I am a writer, and fear losing the ability to write, from side effects of the medication. (See I obsess terribly)

I don't know if I am just obsessing, and should just accept my neuros diagnose of a pinched nerve? Should I stop worrying that I have some horrible disease? Should I continue research and seeking out opinions.

Since I am a nervous person, doctors seem to brush me off, or claim part of my illness is due to anxiety.

I appear to be getting no where, and so frustrated, scared, and not knowing what to do.

Lately I also have pain in TMJ nerves, I have had this on and off for years, but its acting up and painful. Also in the past I have suffered from carpal tunnel pain, when I dental assisted...and when I gained weight from pregnancy, and heart palpitations that cardiologist stated was from a touchy vagues nerve. Could all of these symptoms on and off through the years be connected somehow?

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