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Old 03-29-2008, 03:08 PM
desiree3 desiree3 is offline
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desiree3 desiree3 is offline
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Originally Posted by fparker119 View Post
HELP! I have a beautiful, loving, very happy go lucky little fellow named Dominick. Heres the challenge. Academically he does very well. When it comes to his test he is for the most part an A- student. The challenge he has is that he can become distracted and according to the teacher he has difficulty getting back to task at hand. When he is on, he aces everything, but can become quite easily distracted. He tips his chair in class and likes to day dream. But he is at grade level in reading, math and all the other subjects. He is respectfully and socially does well as well. He is a happy go lucky kind of guy, quite popular as well. Teacher feels he has some attention/focusing issues. He sometimes gets up from his chair for no apparent reason. He raises his hands during discussions in class and his response has nothing to do with the topic being discussed at the time. At home, he has a good home life. He seems to well and healthy, except when he does not want to do something, he lets his emotions cloud his thinking and has a difficult time getting back to task. Example: he was doing a math word problem. He wanted to finish so that he can go spend time with his dad, so he got the answer wrong because he overlooked some details. I called him to task and to do it again, he was upset and cried a bit. When he finally realized that I would not allow him to go do what he wanted until he finished the math problem, he then got to task, completed it and then laughed realizing how simple it was. Unfortunately, in school, they work within time constraints and a math problem that should have taken him 3 - 5 minutes took him 20 minutes due to his feelings and coping with them. He does poorly on quizes just because he is not paying attention in class. But when he comes home and studies, he then does well on the tests and on projects. Any insight????????
i have an 8 yr old son same EXACT PROBLEM! my first thought is adhd... the meds such as ridalin, however you spell that, its scary so we try to cope w/out. Watching him closely for worsening signs. but i've found that w/ distraction getting him back on task is not as simple as just remiding him but most times is as simple as touching him i.e. on the arm or knee when talking and making him look at me if i remind him that he needs to stay focused and that he fell off track he seem to do very well at picking up where he left off. i have also told his teacher about it and the one he has now seems to be a match but we have switched teachs over the years. look for smaller class sizes even if its only 1-2 kids less and request is dsk be in the front row close to the teach, less distraction. w/ small quizes we have him open a empty plain folder and stand it on the side of his desk to block out the other kids. bi tests like taks or s.a.t. type tests we have spoke to the counselor and principal about him testing in their office som schools have a class designed just for kids and those tests usually only 3-4 kids per rm. hope that was helpful . would be glad to help further but im new and dont know how to tell you to find me i'm desiree3 if you can figure it out . Good luck
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