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Old 10-13-2006, 10:18 AM
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BEGLET BEGLET is offline
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Default Help? Nutrition - Rose -Mrs D - ????

Hi - for our nutritional experts out there - a question.....

I have severe gastroparesis (stomach paralysis and also affecting intestines) and have for 6 years now - part of my autonomic neruopathy.... I have been lkiving only on liquids but its getting worse - and have constant nausea even with mediciations I take all day long to just be able to digest the liquid (I'm drinking Ensure - 6 gm fat - 250 caloreis...)

Met with dietician and GI doc last week - since I'm unable to gain weight and after losing 30 lbs last year (I'm skinny to start with - NOT a good thing) - I've been able to gain back about 7 - but have surgery in two weeks which may snatch all that away (had surgery at Christmas and lost 10 lbs in 5 days)..... although I'm getting IVIG that is giving me increased energy in general and better balance - the GI symtoms symtoms unforutnately are not getting better - and the docs are making one last ditch effort to change diet before putting in a "J" tube (which may or may not work - this type of tube bypasses your stomch and goes straight into intestines - requires consant IV feeds of liquid supllements and pump to run - and would for life - there can be a multitude of complications - including serious infetions, emergency vists as tubes come out of place etc.... they want that as a last resort.)

They feel if I can reduce the fat intake in my diet even more but at the same time increase calories it may help the digestion/nausea/and help me gain weight......

I was given a protein powder (BenePROTEIN) to mix with juice - to substiutute instead of an Ensure - but I find myself doubled over in pain and even sicker from the stuff..... They also suggested Carnation Instant Breakfast - which has no fat powdered - (I'm lactose intolerant too) - and I'm going to try mixing that with maybe soy milk (which I havent yet tried) or water - that will give me nutritional needs but only has about 150 calories if not mixed with milk - our goal is 2000 a day......... the clear "liquid" nutritional supplements sold by Ensure and Boost - while no fat - have had the same dobling over in pain effects.....

Any suggestions anyone????????

My goal is: NO FIBER (its too hard to digest)
As little FAT as possible (again, too hard to digest)
Lots of protein and of course the vitamins and minerals I've been gettiing in Ensure (I dont have malabsorbtion - my blood counts are good right now)
Celiac is not a problem.
Ideal calories - 2,000/day.
Can only tolerate about 40 oz liquid a day - spread out in tiny "meals"

Appreciate any suggestions...


Last edited by BEGLET; 10-13-2006 at 12:47 PM.
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