Thread: FYI Medication
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Old 10-13-2006, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by klasyjo View Post
Insurance - file an appeal with your insurance company! Also contact your House Representatives and Senators in your state. I am currently in the process and will let you know the outcome.
No luck with the insurance company - didn't expect it either but tried. They say that there is no exception for Gluten or any other allergy that may be present in a drug. That's wrong in my opinion for many reasons.

I did get a call back from one HR in my state. The office wanted to know tons of information so I gave him what I could offer and some additional contacts. Here is a copy of an email I received from another - no help but I did get a response:
Dear Ms. Brooks ,
Thank you for writing about Celiac disease and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The email you sent to State Rep. Glenn Steil, Jr. was forwarded to me since I represent you on the federal level.

Your email correctly notes that the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act, which was enacted in 2004, does not pertain to prescription drugs. At this time, I am not aware of any legislation pending in Congress to require labeling of gluten in prescription drugs. I will be sure to keep your email in mind if Congress considers this.

Also, in 2005, the FDA took steps to provide better prescription drug information to consumers. The FDA began requiring drug manufacturers to submit prescription drug label information to FDA in a new electronic format, which will allow healthcare providers and the general public to more easily access the product information found in the FDA-approved package inserts for all approved medicines in the U.S. Information is available on "DailyMed" -- a new interagency online health information clearinghouse that provides the most up-to-date medication information, which is available at . However, as you are aware, some prescription drug manufacturers do not test their products for gluten, and information about this allergen would not be available on DailyMed.

Thanks again for contacting me.
I didn't have that website before now so I did learn something new.
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