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Old 04-12-2008, 07:42 PM
*Abigail *Abigail is offline
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*Abigail *Abigail is offline
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Default New to Community w/info if you have nerve damage to throat.

Greetings! I just found this site, and if you bear with be......I'll relate my experience with neuropathy which included nerve damage to my throat.

In February 1989 I'd been suffering with a sinus infection. After 3 different antibiotics and still sick, the Dr prescribed a sulfar drug. Two days on new Rx I noticed a lump behind each ear. That night I woke up with pain in my the early morning hours progressed so did the pain....moving outward until my whole body was in the most terrible pain I have ever experienced.....and I say this after have birthed a 10lb. 8oz baby boy 2 years prior to the onset of this pain. I was admitted to hospital for only 1 night. The Dr discharged me saying that he thought it was all in my head. I told him I would never do this to myself.....never. Two days home I was experincing a cough that would make me loose bladder control, would cause me to was so intense it brought me to my knees.

All this time I'm receiving no treatment, and I say this in all honesty, the pain was so horrific that if I had not had a 2 year old baby boy.......I would have killed myself.

Finally my Dr referred me to an internest; at my second visit, which is now 7 weeks after the initial onset of pain and cough, I could describe to the Dr that I was experience different pain....3 different types........he told me he thought he knew the problem and sent me to a neurologist for confirmation.......and yes, I was diagnosed with viral sensory peripheral neuropathy. I was sent back to my family Dr for treatment......he said on my next visit......he did not believe I had neuropathy, and would not treat me for it.

In 1989 neuropathy did not seem to widly known by the general MD community. We went from Dr to Dr.....meanwhile the cough persisted and with time became more debilitating then the pain. With my husband's job we moved frequently, many new Dr.s' who would politely listen to my tale of pain and cough......make notes and the proceed to do a general check up...with no treatment for the neuropathy. I developed a life style, because of the cough.....I mean who likes to vomit in public?......of a hermit. I went out only for my son's school activies......always sitting in the last row, end seat so I could make a quick get a way if the coughing seizure started.

Fast forward to 2006..I go for knee surgery. They put me out and then attempt to insert a tube in my throat.....I start to convulse and they bring me to......telling me to come back in two weeks and they will do a spinal. I go back in two weeks, a new anesthesist who says my lungs are clear and he will do a general.....I please.....and explain the neuropathy, the cough......he nods his head like so many before him.....and then proceeds to give me a general......once again I convulse......they bring me to....and proceed with a spinal. My husband and I use to check the internet reguarly back in the 80's and early 90's for info on neuropathy.....but there was never any reference to coughing seizures. This time my husband typed in neuropathy and cough........and we lucked out......a study done over the past 5 years by Dr. Lee Woo had determined that in patients who had chronic cough or throat-clearing as a manifestation of sensory neuropathy invloved the laryngeal nerve......and........symtomatic management can be obtained with gababpentin.

I took the article to my family Dr., and he became incredulous that I had gone, at that time 17 years without treatment for neuropathy. I refrained from telling him that a year ago when we moved to the community....I gave him my neuroopathy and cough complaints and he did nothing......I just wanted the garbapentin.

I've tried not to bore you with details of my disease.......if you are on this site....I'm sure you each have similar stories.......after surgery I appplied for depression dealing with chronic pain, and anxiety over the coughing seizures had taken it's toll. I'm 60 now, and the garbapentin has helped with the cough, and pain somewhat.....but because I was never treated I now have permanet nerve damage. I was awarded my disability, and try everyday to be positive and not grieve over the last 19 years.....I tell myself that at least I've been around to see my son grow into a man.

I'm glad to have found this site......sharing with others who have been there is good.
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