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Old 04-15-2008, 06:05 PM
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Erin524 Erin524 is offline
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Default I'm tired of my extended family...

I am so tired of this stuff.

I just talked to my aunt that lives across the street. (my dad's brother's wife/widow) She's extremely ticked off. Why? Because no one told her that my uncle (dad's sister's husband) had died.

I didnt call her because I had thought that my other aunt (dad's youngest sister) had told her about my uncle's death. Apparently aunt #1 found out about the death from the newspaper's obit page on their website.

So, aunt #1 is going to "make changes in her life", after the funeral. I hope they arent drastic changes, like moving, or not talking to me and my parents.

I'm just so tired of all the crap that's been going on for the past 7 or 8yrs. My parents and I moved to our current neighborhood at the same time that my aunt did. My dad's sisters were apparently really jealous about us moving to brand new houses.

The daughters of aunt #1 and aunt #2 used to be best friends. and then they had a fight around the time that we moved.

Then a couple of years ago the daughter-in-law of aunt #2 tried to get my aunt ( I confusing people yet?) fired from her job at a hospital. (the son of aunt #2 was in the hospital and his wife accused my aunt #1 of using her computer sign-on to access his medical records. She didnt go anywhere near them, and proved it. So, his wife has been shown to be a complete <female dog with puppies> that enjoys making trouble for everyone in my family)

Aunt#2 backed her daughter-in-law, and pretty much got that whole side against my aunt and her two girls, and I guess I must have been "guilty by association".

Then my grandmother died...and Aunt's #2 AND #3 along with my now-dead uncle wanted all my grandmother's money. They wanted to fight my dad and aunt #1 for the money. They didnt need to fight, my dad and aunt were about to give it to them, when the other two aunts got sneaky and took some of the money that was supposed to be shared with all of them.

and I know this is all getting boring and confusing. My dad and aunt ended up letting them take the money, because it's stupid to fight over money when someone has just died...instead of grieving, the other two wanted to fight over the money.

So, after all the crap that's gone on, whole parts of the family have not really spoken to each other since my grandma died (about 4yrs) Nobody has offered any apologies to anyone, and I feel like I've just been in the middle of it all, since I happen to like all my aunts fairly equally, and miss being friends with all of them. (I never got any money from the will, so I had nothing to do with it all)

I hadnt felt like I missed my uncle yet until just this second and am suddenly so tired of everything that I dont even want to drive my dad to the funeral tomorrow. (I'm not going in, not even to the luncheon. I dont do funerals, and I'm ticked off at everyone and would not be good company)

I'm to the point where I want everyone to stop kvetching at each other and to go back to being family instead of everyone being mad at everyone.

I wont even go into how my relatives treat my mother, and how I wish they'd stop being so freaking judgemental of her because she's a Methodist and a Southerner and how people think she's whacko just because she had the bad luck to have a head injury when she was a teenager and because of that she's always been a bit...eccentric... (oops..I went into it a little bit, sorry!)

I think I'm going to take a nap, or go crochet or something and ignore all the family BS for tonight. I just needed to vent.

Oh, and while I was sitting here writing this..aunt #2 (uncle's widow) called my dad. She said that she did call Aunt #1, and told her about my uncle's death and when the rosary was. She was supposed to call her back about the funeral plans and such, but has been so busy with uncle's relatives (about 2 dozen of them decended on her house this weekend) that she hasnt had any time to go to the bathroom, much less call really, aunt #1 shouldnt even be mad about not being contacted.

I think I'm going to go lay down...I'm sooooo tired and I think something has woken up the MS Trolls that live in my brain matter and they're what's making me tired and all headachy and not wanting to deal with all the infighting. At least my dad stays out of the fight...they leave him alone pretty much.

at least venting makes me feel somewhat better. Hopefully none of my relatives come across this post, confusing as it was...hopefully I didnt put any information in there that would identify me.
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