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Old 04-17-2008, 06:19 AM
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Wiix Wiix is offline
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Jon. since today is the 17th I am assuming you had out your teeth by now. How did it go??

I had 2 out last month, they were in front, top, capped and I think they were infected, the roots I mean. I am having a bit of pain yet in that area but it is subsiding slowly. I had the 2 teeth added to my partial that day so I had them a few days after. As far as implants, I am considering it BUT since it will be 4 upper front, I KNOW it's going to involve MUCH pain since the nerves go directly to those 4 front teeth. I had the other two out years ago. When I inquired about implants, they told me the teeth had to be gone for months and gum totally healed BEFORE they do them. I could have had 2 done a few years ago but I figured I'd wait and have all 4 done at the same time so they'd TOTALLY match. Now I'm not so sure after all the reading I have done about them. I would LOVE so much to have the 4 back permanently. It's such a psychological issue when you lose your front teeth. I have stopped dating or even Thinking about it. I stay away from people as much as possible. Losing my front teeth has been a terrible blow to my self esteem, which wasn't doing so well to begin with.

OK, sorry Jon, I didn't read this before I posted:

Well, here's what happened today. Arrived on time for 9am appointment.
Was given 5 pages to fill out before I had surgery. I'd left my glasses ( my daughter drove me ) so I hadn't finished them when they called me. Put my dentist's name in appropriate places, left some places unchecked because I didn't understand them - in other words, working very slowly. They took me to a room and a strange man introduces himself as Dr. X. He says he's going to do the surgery. I tell him Dr. Y is doing it. He says Dr. Y has been called to the hospital for an emergency. My daughter and I asked him lots of questions. He excused himself and came back with Dr. Y who basically said it couldn't be helped - that Dr. X could do it or we could try another day.

By this time, Dr. X is pouting and says he can't do it now we've wasted too much time. That we can make another appointment or it may be that some time will open this afternoon if we want to wait. We waited.

We'd told him my concerns. He says he was told what to do and if I want to change it, he just can't do it. That he wants to know what he's expected to do when he starts. I'm ready to die rather than go home with a mouthful of infected teeth. Briefly, he removed my lower teeth, put in 4 of the planned 5 inplants, had me xrayed and gave me appointment for next week.

He saw bad bone at the 5th site but decided he'd try it anyway. He tried to screw the inplant in 4 times. It came out on my tongue side. He put some "ground bone" in the cavity and around all the other ones that were already in, stitched them up and said I'd done well.

Some other things happened. The nurse who started with him disappeared in less than an hour. He had to pull, drill and cut pieces from the last tooth to get in out. This is when the nurse left and a man in a green surgical outfit took her place until all this was over. Total time for surgery -almost 5 hours.

The man in green did the xray. He poked my mouth, teeth and skin more than I've ever been poked by an assistant. He couldn't keep the water and blood even almost out of my mouth. I felt like I was choking. Dr. X says to just swallow it. The man in green turns out to be a junior at the local university majoring in biology - but has no credentials in any medical field.

I've never had any trouble with a dentist numbing me a little more if I asked. I asked Dr. X at least 10 times because every procedure was hurting more and more. He numbed me 3 times. Each time I asked, he said it was only going to be a little bit longer. The last 4 stitches, I felt everything.

Part of me wants to sue the pants off the place so they won't treat anyone else like this. My other part feels so insignificant that I can't imagine anyone treating me with kindness. Powerless to do anything but continue down this path.

More things happened, but I've already written too much. LONG, LONG VENT! No need to answer. Thanks for listening again.


Written yesterday. Sent today.
Yea, that sounds like a Nighmare alright. BUT, If you went to an Insurance Fueled Dental Clinic, that's what you get. I went to one 5 times, no 6, TRYING to get them to pull ONE tooth and they gave me the runaround . I had to pay someone each time to bring me and each time they took my BP and said "Nope, it's too high, we can't pull it today." I was so Mad I will NEVER go back there again. I have had that tooth OUT and a few more since and never had a bleeding problem. I really don't believe it. I think It's just some kind of Scam to get you to keep coming back so they can charge insurance JUST for the visit. Milk the situation, if you know what I mean.
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