Thread: I got the call
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Old 10-16-2006, 10:45 AM
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Default Tracy,

Hi Hon,
I have waited to post as I was a bit concerned about both sides being done so closely together as well. I had my left side, (dominant side) done in Nov. 05 and am just now feeling pretty good. I don't drive, or cook, or shop, or clean.... I just take care of me!! I am Bi- lateral as well and have decided not to do the right side at this time.

My Dr. told me it would take at least 6 months for the swelling of the surgery to go down, and it took that long! My 1st rib and 2 of my scalenes were removed and my neck and brachial plexus were swollen and lopsided for a good 4 months. Bending over/ forward were and still are very difficult. I still can't lift anything much heavier than 1 lb. I can barely lift say, a bleach bottle. We get milk in 1/2 gallon containers so I can lift it.

And the breathing! Oh my Gosh, that is so painful for the longest time! At least for me it was. The drive home from the hospital was brutal, so yes !! Take tons of pillows and be sure you are plenty medicated if it is a long drive!

I hate to be a downer, and I don't want to be discouraging, but you did ask for people's experiences and I have to be honest and say I myself wouldn't dream of doing the second side so soon!

If they take out the 1st rib and any muscles, it is like changing the architecture of a building and expecting it to be as solid and balanced as it was prior, or at least that is the analogy my Surgeon gave me. He wanted me to wait 6 months for the swelling to go down and healing to take place before I began strengthening the muscles and learning how to use my body with the lesser "support structures". He had me work on posture and stretching, but did not want me using my arms or turning my head or having josteled too much. I wear a soft cervical collar and use neck and elbow pillows when ever I am in the car.

Maybe my Tos was different from yours, maybe the compression was in a different area, or more nerves involved than yours?? Or maybe it is because I was 47, ( maybe you are younger than I am and able to heal faster??)

I am concerned for you that you are going to be in for alot of pain doing both sides, and also a looooonnng recovery! A week's worth of help seems like it isn't going to be enough to me.... Can the in-laws stay longer??

Geez, I don't mean to be so negative but this is serious surgery!! It took me 3 months just to be able to breathe normally and I have side effects from my surgery, for example my left eye twitches, it doesn't dialate as it used to so I am light sensitive, and need sunglasses sometimes even inside, my TMJ is worse now and will sometimes cause my bite to shift and give me headaches that have me flat on my back in bed even with meds. The pain and swelling in my arm is much better, but I can't return to my former work due to the position you sit in all day, ( I used to be a dental assistant) or any kind of job where my head is down and arms are used extensively. ( or so my Surgeon and Dr. Ellis say.) And the least little bump or jostle of my head or shoulder can put me in misery for days!

So, anyway, those are my thoughts and some of my experiences. I hope that you will at least consider doing your surgeries with more time in between for healing, maybe talk to your Surgeon some more??

Good luck Tracy, and I will pray for you and a wonderful outcome!!
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