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Old 10-17-2006, 10:33 PM
HopeLivesHere HopeLivesHere is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
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HopeLivesHere HopeLivesHere is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 292
15 yr Member
Lightbulb CP - sorry so long but good info

I cannot tell you how perfectly this article describes me and probably a lot of others here, but most haven't had a chance to study it.
I did.
It is from one of the post above (THANK YOU!)

I'll quote a few lines:
"Burning dysesthesia, "like acid under the skin", is the central symptom, but not all have it in a severe version. The same goes for ..... pains, which range from lancinating or shooting, electric like pains, to exaggerated pins and needles, cramping or tightening pain
in the muscles, overfulness in any hollow organ such as gut or bladder,
and marked increase in sensitivity to normal pain (hyperpathia)."

"..... pain cannot be seen on conventional MRI, on CT, and especially not on plain x-rays, yet many patients have been told they are malingering because these studies turn up negative. Consequently, many doctors, utterly without knowledge in the field, abuse nerve injury pain patients. This abuse can take the form of doubting that the pain exists or is severe, recommending surgery or medicines that are of no possible benefit, becoming insulting or angry if some medicine does not help, or refusing to treat CP adequately."

"What is loss of working memory?
.......similar to a computer attempting to run on less K." (K is K is very very little memory.

"What is hypersensitization?
It happens every day with common sunburn, or when we spill caustic drain cleaner on our hands. As everyone knows, sunburn is delayed. Central pain is also delayed and appears AFTER the initial injury." (sometimes my pain is worse tomorrrow because of what I did today.

"Are central pain subjects really still human?
Probably not fully. Who is fully human when in continual burning pain? However, if you will overlook the depression and flat emotional tone, and extend an increased measure of humanity to them, you will find it worth the effort for you and a blessing to them. The heart is softened but very heavy. You must not ask what they cannot give. No one with chronic severe pain is reeking with happiness. If they laugh or joke, do not assume they actually feel the humor. What they may be feeling is severe pain, but they desire human contact like anyone else. Don't ask too much of them socially. They will tire quickly of the act, and may be forced to retire even if they would prefer to continue to visit. If you are content to give, without expecting them to think and feel as normal people do, you will recognize the humanity in them, as you would in any other person. Severe pain is dehumanizing and exhausting, so family and friends must make adjustments and allowances for someone with severe central pain. Their little contribution to the conversation may be a "widow's mite" type of thing. (giving more than you really have to give)

"Is paralysis or central pain more disabling?
From the surveys, there is no hesitation in saying that severe c. pain is considerably more disabling than lack of mobility. This makes sense if one reflects on what inability to move means, and what agony means."

Even though most of this was copy / paste, it has taken the whole day to do this!!! or am I the only one who can relate to this?
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