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Old 04-29-2008, 09:49 PM
Katydid Katydid is offline
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Katydid Katydid is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Just wanted to introduce myself here too....

I just found this board and well, just kinda need to know I'm not alone. Basically, this is my story. If you get all the way through, then thanks, if not, don't feel bad, this is as much a vent as anything. I just need to get it out.

My stepson used to have issues due to abuse that he had incurred. We worked with him and his mother and he is now a different child. So, patting ourselves on our backs we decided that we had overcome the worst challenge we could as parents. Boy were we wrong. We had my son and he was about as perfect as could be sensitive, but very compliant. Then my daughter. Well, she wasn't compliant, she was EXTREME. Hairpulling extreme. At 18 months old she was scaling bookcases at 2 in the morning and throwing things off the top. At 2 she started destroying furniture and physically attacking her older brothers. At three she started trying to use weapons on bad days and on good days would throw herself off of windowsills and jungle gyms. We took her into get her help and our PCM told us she was ummmm, strong willed. Then, I woke up at 3 a.m. to the dogs barking, went to them and found my daughter with a butcher's knife cutting up onions. I finally decided that regardless of what her PCM said, we NEEDED help.

We lied to the PCM. Well, kinda, we told the PCM that our daughter was a danger to herself and to us. So she reluctantly sent us to a psychiatrist. At first they said it was ADHD, ODD, and a language disorder. So she has been on Risperdol for about a year. They did that mostly for her safety, and partially for my sanity as dh had been deployed and I was only getting about 3 hours of sleep at night considering I couldn't take shifts with dh anymore. Since then, they tried to add adderall because her violent episodes got so bad. She was once again attacking her brothers and was getting more violent. The adderall backfired, BADLY, she became MORE violent, slept less, started wetting the bed and wetting her pants during the day, became so bad that I came VERY close to harming her, and I have NEVER harmed a child. Even when my stepson was at his worst and tried to kill his brother who at the time was 4 weeks old, I STILL didn't come even close to harming him. So, they have now gone back over all her records from day one and decided to try her on abilify. They truly believed it was a mood disorder. I am almost sad to say that they were right. I no longer fear for my 2 year old. She actually looked at my husband a couple days ago and said, "I want to BEAT UP BUBBY". That was AMAZING because she actually SAID it, but DIDN'T GO AND DO IT!! YEAH!!

But, I don't want to be prematurely happy about this. I mean this diagnoses carries ALOT of issues. I mean, it isn't like ADHD where she will grow out of it, this is forever. So, part of me is happy, we figured it out. Another part is dreading it because, though she is better, we are still having bad times. And, she isn't adjusting to the med very well. But that is a different post.

If you got this far, then THANK YOU for reading this far. And any advice you can give me to survive this I would truly appreciate.
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