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Old 10-21-2006, 01:18 AM
moose53 moose53 is offline
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moose53 moose53 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 761
15 yr Member

Hey, Coyote.

I don't have BP -- mine goes more toward a combo of depression and a personality disorder.

I have a question. I'm basing this on the fact that I'm just a tad bit older than you. AND, have actually walked out of jobs in the middle of day when the P.O. quotient was too high.

My question: when you rage and "blow your stack", is what's coming out of your mouth THE TRUTH??

I don't work any more, but, I worked for close to 40 years. I discovered that I had/have very low tolerance for solving problems that were already solved in the 50s and the 60s and the 70 and the 80s, yada-yada... There were a couple of times there when what was done or said to me was just SO WRONG on so many levels that I had no choice but to walk (and to walk immediately).

Do you think this rage is because you feel trapped in a job that you REALLY don't want to be in any more?? If that does turn out to be the case, maybe it's not more meds that you need, maybe it's a change in career.

I know that's easy to say and hard to do. Been there and done it -- way too many times.

I DO THINK, though, when it comes down to a choice between your sanity and your values and your morals and THE JOB -- it's definitely better to choose the sanity and the values and the morals. I figure The Universe guides us to these situations to see if we'll choose "right" this time

Good luck in whatever direction you choose to go. Don't be too hard on yourself. Hugs.

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