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Old 05-24-2008, 09:02 AM
daylilyfan daylilyfan is offline
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daylilyfan daylilyfan is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Thumbs up Amino acids have helped my pain! (long)

I am going to attempt to explain a new treatment protocol I have been on that has really helped me. I don't fully understand the process, so forgive me if I can't answer your questions or am not making total sense. But it's helped me so much, I feel I should share it here.

I have RSD in my shoulders, my arm, two feet, one calf and about half my back. I have been to Cleveland Clinic, and Ohio State Univ. and various other experts. I have tried perhaps 30 medications over the years for it. Very few have made any difference at all. Pain meds seem to have no effect at all. I have been through occupational and physical therapy several times. I managed to remain working through this, but I really don't know how I got by when it was at it's worst.

A couple months ago, my family doctor recommended I see a chiropractor that deals in chronic pain. This was after I said to her that I give up treating it. Nothing has helped, so I am not pursuing any more treatment. I went to this chiropractor pretty skeptical - almost angry - I didn't see where any more physical therapy or "adjustments" would help. I quickly found out he has an entirely different approach than what I expected.

He actually knew what RSD was! And, has treated people with it.

His protocol for me was start me on supplements to get serotonin working again and work on neurotransmitters. Treating the adrenal system. One clue for him was that my Dr's have tried me on at least 15 anti-depressants for pain, and not one of them did anything for me at all. He said my brain probably makes no seratonin - so the re-uptake inhibitors are not working. After these supplements kick in, we will start some basic aerobic exercise - probably a recumbent bike. This helps get oxygen moving and make endorphins. Then he will do some rehab work with massage, trigger points, stretches etc. But he said we will have to move slowly because of the nature of RSD.

He also believes I have "Central Nervous System Sensitization" - I am not sure about this, but the treatment is helping.

Here is a quote from one of his brochures...
"Neurotransmitters are natural chemicals found in the nervous system of the body. Neurotransmitters facilitate and regulate the transfer of electrical energy between the nerve cells (neurons) of the nervous system.
Levels of neurotransmitters that are too low to facilitate the proper transfer of electrical energy between neurons will cause disease and illness.
At present, the standard medicine treatment of neurotransmitter diseases is prescription drugs.
NeuroResearch's laboratory and clinical work has demonstrated that prescription drugs can further deplete neurotransmitters in most patients, making the real cause of the problem worse.
Prescription drugs do not increase the overall number of neurotransmitters around, which eventually causes neurotransmitter levels to further drop.
The only way to truly raise the overall neurotransmitter levels in the brain (central nervous system) is to provide the nutrients (amino acids, vitamins, and minerals) needed by the body to build neurotransmitters. These nutrients will cross the blood brain barrier into the brain. They are then synthesized into neurotransmitters which will raise the number of neurotransmitter molecules in the brain."

He started me on some supplements. First he told me to get Magnesium Asporotate and Potasium Asporotate and take it per bottle directions for one week, then come back. They caused explosive diarrhea. Had to stop the potasssium and cut way back on magnesium. When I went to the next appt. my reaction to these two things told the Dr. that my system was very sensitive. He started me on some other supplements, but very slowly. Over the weeks, we have worked up to a normal dose.

I told him last Tuesday that I felt better than I have in 3 years, since the RSD started spreading.

Here are the supplements.
1) "CysReplete" which has Selenium 134mg, Folate 133 mcg, L-Cysteine HCI, 1500 mg. 2 caps 3 x a day
2) "D5 extra" folate 400 mcg, L-Tyrosine 1,000 mg, 5-Hydroxytryptophan 300 mg, Mucuna puriens 300 mg 4 caps twice a day
3) "D5" Vitamin C 500mg, Calcium 110 mg, Vitamin B6 37.5mg, Folate 200mcg, L-lysine 250mg, 5-Hydroxytryptophan 150mg, L-Tyrosine 1500mg, Mucuna puriens 300 mg
These are spread out over 4 doses during the day, at specific times.

After I am on this for a while (most people it's 2-3 weeks, but for my system, he's recommending giving it a couple months) there will be a test done to determine what the serotonin levels are, and adjustments made from there. When those levels are up, I will begin the "rehab" part of the protocol.

His training etc. came from a Dr. Hinz of NeuroResearch Clinics, Inc. in Duluth MN. Am not sure if I can post the website. I asked him how other RSD'ers might find a Dr. trained in this, in other parts of the country. He said that NeuroResearch website has a place to find a Dr. trained in it.

He says it can help any number of central nervous system problems, like fibromyalgia, migraine, Parkinsons, IBS, Crohn's disease... there is a list of 20 or more things.

There is a side effect of these meds for most people - weight loss. So far they have made me pretty nausiated. I'll take that any day instead of pain! The Dr. tells me that after a few months on this, hunger will go away. When your not hungry, you will lose weight. He said also balancing the adreanals will help with weight loss.

It's a totally different approach than what I have been doing, but it is working. I love to garden, and my flower beds are a disaster after nearly 4 years of not being able to do hardly anything in them. Well, a couple days ago, I was able to weed for 4 hours and thought I would pay for it the next day. However, I was ok - no ill effects from it!

It's not inexpensive. My Dr. has not charged me for the "consultations" - he only charges when you get to the rehab stage. My insurance does not cover him - he is "out of network" and I am worried how I will pay for treatment. The Dr. is not worried - he says we will work it out. He is very interested in working with RSD - and for me not to worry about it. The supplements are expensive - well over $100 a month, since I am taking so much of it right now.

I would say my pain has gone from 6 spiking to 8 down to a 2. I am still stiff, red, shiny, cold, blue, etc - this is NOT a cure for the RSD. But, the pain is so much less! Going from pain with every step and movement - to realizing yesterday that I had not noticed hardly any pain at all during the day - what a huge difference it's made!

I just had to ask on here if anyone else has tried this sort of thing. Also to let everyone know it's something to try. One reason I have been SO skeptical about it is I have found nothing online about treating RSD with these supplements.

Hope people find this interesting.

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"Thanks for this!" says:
Desi (05-25-2008)