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Old 09-03-2006, 12:44 PM
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Default Incredible!!

Oh my gosh that is awful!!! Thanks so much for sharing your experience, even though it is embarassing, it is something that those of us on opiates as well as other pain meds are at risk for.

I had a similar situation, in June after getting a bacterial infection while on vacation. I was rx'd Clomazapine as well. Luckily the Dr. told me not to use the psyillium products but to drink senna tea and take docusate sodium (stool softner).

He said the psyilium products DO clump up and make it difficult for your intestines and bowels to move things along thanks to the pain meds.

I KNOW the symptoms you are describing!! I looked pregnant too, was EXTREMELY uncomfortable and had difficulty breathing. I felt TOTALLY STUFFFFFFED!!! It was horrible !!

Thankfully my situation was not as severe as yours, but I still felt awful.

Gee, I wish I could think of a good joke to share with you but my mind is blank.... nothing will come out ..... (how's that?? )

Take Care Sweetie!!

Dried prunes, every day and lots and lots of water!!

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